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Template:MOB infobox/doc

509 bytes added, 21:26, 4 November 2020
{{MOB infobox
| name title =
| image =
| type =
| health =
| armor =
| health =
| rage =
| notoriety =
| curse =| effective =| veffective =
| ineffective =
| vineffective =
| immune =
; nametitle: Not Optional. Defaults to article Must be the Mob's name.
; image
: Optional. Defaults to a .jpg png image of the article's name. If specified, use <code><nowiki>[[Image:Creature name.jpg|300px|]]</nowiki></code>
; type
: MUST match an existing [[:Category:Creatures by Type]]
; health
: OPTIONAL. Numerical value as displayed in the in-game target box. Use on bosses, and creatures that appear in a single location in-game. Creatures that appear in many locations such as the [[Tiger]] do not require health/armor/rage to be listed in its infobox.
; armor
: OPTIONAL. Numerical value as displayed in the in-game target box.; Will only display if a health: Numerical value as displayed in the in-game target boxexists.
; rage
: OPTIONAL. Numerical value as displayed in the in-game target box. Will only display if a health exists.
; notoriety
: OPTIONAL. Show notoriety XP gain for special creatures.
; curse
: OPTIONAL. Lists exact name of curse if the creature is a curse causing boss.
; effective
: OPTIONAL. Lists damage types that are effective against this creature. Add a (V) next to attack ; veffective: OPTIONAL. Lists damage types which that are Very Effectivevery effective against this creature.
; ineffective
: OPTIONAL. Lists damage types that are ineffective against this creature. Add a (V) next to attack ; vineffective: OPTIONAL. Lists damage types which that are Very Ineffectivevery ineffective against this creature.
; immune
: OPTIONAL. Lists damage types that the mob is immune to.
: To see a completed example, look at [[SherzatYoung Kraken]].
The typical usage is to use this in a new article, save, and THEN upload the image by clicking the image link (which then is pre-set with the article name):
{{MOB infobox
| title = Young Kraken| type = ArthropodFish and Snail| armor notoriety = 5500| health = 458508| armor = 1007| rage = 601299| effective = Crushing| veffective = Slashing| vineffective = Poison| immune = Nature
If an image already exists which name does not match the article name, or in a different format (png) specify like so:
{{MOB infobox
| image title = [[Image:Black Widow.pngYoung Kraken|300pxtype = Fish and Snail|]]notoriety = 500| type health = Arthropod8508| armor = 51007| health rage = 1299| effective = Crushing| veffective = Slashing| vineffective = 45Poison| rage immune = 60Nature
==TODOs (Gorgonzola)==
Notes for later:
* XP amounts like Notoriety should be pulled with Semantic Data?
<includeonly><!-- Any categories for the template itself -->