,Updated stats
| title = Panther
| type = Feline
| health = 247
| armor = 89
| rage = 263
| effective = Poison, Nature, Trauma
[[Panther]]s are large cats seemingly native to [[Eltibule]]. They can be found intermixed with the [[Tiger]] and [[Worg]] packs. [[Fey Panther Groupie]]s share a similar appearance. Panthers are a good source for players with a low foraging skill to collect Oranges. Panthers can be tamed using the Tame Cat ability and charmed to be made a permanent pet after reaching level 20 in Animal Handling.
| area= Eltibule
| location= Found prowling outside the portal to [[Serbule]].
| health = 217247
| armor = 89
| rage = 263
| {{Item|Sinewy Beast Cat Meat}}
|'''Bonus Meat''':