Difference between revisions of "MediaWiki:Common.css"

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(11 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 41: Line 41:
/* Gorgonzola: Used by [[Template:ItemT]] */
/* Gorgonzola: Used by Template:ItemT */
.gg-itemt { border:1px solid #423930; width:400px; padding:6px; background:#0e0a08; color:#b09066; text-align:left; }
.gg-itemt { border:1px solid #423930; width:400px; padding:6px; background:#0e0a08; color:#b09066; text-align:left; }
.gg-itemt p { font:13px/15px Arial, sans-serif; color:#b09066; margin:0 0 7px; }
.gg-itemt p { font:13px/15px Arial, sans-serif; color:#b09066; margin:0 0 7px; }
Line 134: Line 134:
padding: 2px;
padding: 2px;
/* Resizing external images of icons. */
.extimage16px img { width: 16px;}
/* Resizing external images of icons. */
/* Resizing external images of icons. */
.extimage32px img { width: 32px;}
.extimage32px img { width: 32px;}
Line 151: Line 153:
/* Styles for collapsible tables used in spoilers */
/* Styles for collapsible tables used in spoilers */
.spoilbox a:visited, .spoilbox a.external:visited, .spoilbox a:link { color:#f8cd78ff; }
.spoilbox a:visited, .spoilbox a.external:visited, .spoilbox a:link { color:#95263b; }
.mw-collapsible-toggle a { color:#e5b964ff; }
.mw-collapsible-toggle a { color:#95263b; }
     color: #000000;
     color: #000000;
.block1 a:visited, .block1 a.external:visited, .block1 a:link { color:#f8cd78ff; }
.block2 a:link, .block2 a:visited  {color:#e5b964ff;}
/* Styles for Infobox header image placement */
.ib-tbl-hd { width:100%; height:29px; }
.ib-tbl-hd img { display:block; width:100%; height:29px; border:none; }
.ib-tbl-hdt { width:100%; font:bold 19px/1em Arial; text-align:center; position:absolute; left:0; top:13px;border-radius:2px; }
.ib-tbl-hdt, .ib-tbl-hdt a, .ib-tbl-hdt a:visited { color:#eaeaea; }

Latest revision as of 16:01, 17 June 2021

body.page-Main_Page h1.firstHeading { display:none; }

/* Gorgonzola: common styles */
.table { margin:10px 0; border-collapse:collapse; border:1px solid #aaa; font-size:12px; }
.table th { background:#eee; border-bottom:1px solid #ccc; padding:0.25em; }
.table tr {  }
.table td { padding:0.25em 0.5em; }
.table tbody {  }
.table > tbody > tr:nth-child(even) { background:#f3f3f3; }

/* alt row coloring */
.alt { background-color:#EBEBEB; }
table.zebra > tbody > tr:nth-child(even) { background-color:#DADADA; }

/* Gorgonzola: fix dark links in body content barely distinguishable from plain text. */
a { color:#002bb8; }
.mw-body a:visited, .mw-body a.external:visited { color:#5a3696; }

/* Gorgonzola: move edit links out of the body text */
.mw-editsection { float:right; }

/* Gorgonzola: [[Main_Page]] */
.gg-tbl-hd { width:100%; height:29px; background:#8d0000; }
.gg-tbl-hd img { display:block; width:100%; height:29px; border:none; }
.gg-tbl-hdt { width:100%; font:bold 15px/1em Georgia,serif; text-align:center; position:absolute; left:0; top:8px; }
.gg-tbl-hdt, .gg-tbl-hdt a, .gg-tbl-hdt a:visited { color:#eaeaea; }

/* Gorgonzola: lighten up the heavy bullet lists, use as a table class */
.gg-light-bullets li { list-style-image: none; color: #ccc; }
/* Gorgonzola: Used by [[Template:Spoilers]] */
.gg-spoiler .spoilers-button {
  background:#aaa linear-gradient(to bottom,#eee,#aaa); transition:.1s background-position linear;
  border:1px solid #aaa; border-radius:5px;
  padding:3px 10px;
.gg-spoiler .spoilers-body {
  padding:3px 10px; margin:0 0 1em;
  background:#eee; border:1px dashed #aaa;
/* Gorgonzola: Used by Template:ItemT */
.gg-itemt { border:1px solid #423930; width:400px; padding:6px; background:#0e0a08; color:#b09066; text-align:left; }
.gg-itemt p { font:13px/15px Arial, sans-serif; color:#b09066; margin:0 0 7px; }
.gg-itemt-hd { position:relative; padding:0 0 0 47px; min-height:40px; overflow:visible; }
.gg-itemt-img { position:absolute; left:0; top:0; width:32px; height:32px; padding:3px; overflow:hidden; background:#0f0c0a; border:1px solid #1d1713; }
.gg-itemt-img img { display:block; border:none; width:32px; height:32px; }
.gg-itemt .gg-hd {
  font:bold 16px/1.1em "Book Antiqua", Palatino, "Palatino Linotype", "Palatino LT STD", Georgia, serif;
  color:#fff; white-space:nowrap; margin:0 0 8px; padding:0;
.gg-itemt dl { margin:0; padding:0; }
.gg-itemt dt { margin:0; padding:0 0 9px 0; }
.gg-itemt dd { margin:0 0 0 15px; padding:0 0 9px 0; line-height:14px; }

/* Gorgonzola: Used by [[Template:Icon]] tooltips */
.gg-icon-tt {
  position:absolute; border:1px solid #423930; padding:6px 10px; background:#0e0a08; margin:0 0 7px; white-space:nowrap;
  font:bold 16px/1.1em "Book Antiqua", Palatino, "Palatino Linotype", "Palatino LT STD", Georgia, serif; color:#fff;
  box-shadow:0 0 3px rgba(0,0,0,.3);

/* === Template:Ambox designs === */
/* Ambox design */
.ambox {
    font-size: 95%;
    width: 80%; 
    margin: 0 auto;
    border: 1px #AAA solid;
    border-left: 10px solid #228b22;
    border-collapse: collapse;
    background-color: #EEE;
    color: #000000;
.ambox a { color:#9A2D19; }
/* Ambox colours */
.ambox-blue {
    border-left: 10px solid #1e90ff;    /* Blue (notice) */
.ambox-red {
    border-left: 10px solid #b22222;    /* Red (delete/serious) */
.ambox-orange {
    border-left: 10px solid #f28500;    /* Orange (content) */
.ambox-yellow {
    border-left: 10px solid #f4c430;    /* Yellow (style) */
.ambox-purple {
    border-left: 10px solid #9932cc;    /* Purple (merge) */
.ambox-gray {
    border-left: 10px solid #bba;        /* Gray (protection) */
.ambox-green {
    border-left: 10px solid #228b22;    /* Green */
/* Ambox small text */
.ambox-smalltext {
    font-size: smaller;
/* Ambox image */
.ambox-image {                    /* The left image cell */
    width: 60px;
    padding: 2px 0px 2px 0.5em;        /* 0.5em left, 0px right */
    text-align: center;
@media print { .ambox { display: none; } }    /* no ambox when printing */
/* Documentation template */
.template-documentation .color1,
#bodyContent .template-documentation .color1 a,
#bodyContent .template-documentation .color1 a.external
/* Makes key input look better, such as on General_gameplay_tips/Basics#Controls. */
kbd {
	border: 2px solid gray;
	color: white;
	border-radius: .5em;
	background-color: black;
	padding: 2px;
/* Resizing external images of icons. */
.extimage16px img { width: 16px;}
/* Resizing external images of icons. */
.extimage32px img { width: 32px;}
/* Resizing external images of icons. */
.extimage64px img { width: 64px;}
/* Spoiler styles for collapsible tables. */
    padding: 2px;
    margin: 3px 0px;
    width: 100%;
    border-radius: 0px 0px 10px 10px;
    border: 0px solid #1e1615ff;
    color: #000000;
/* Styles for collapsible tables used in spoilers */
.spoilbox a:visited, .spoilbox a.external:visited, .spoilbox a:link { color:#95263b; }
.mw-collapsible-toggle a { color:#95263b; }
    color: #000000;
.block2 a:link, .block2 a:visited  {color:#e5b964ff;}

/* Styles for Infobox header image placement */

.ib-tbl-hd { width:100%; height:29px; }
.ib-tbl-hd img { display:block; width:100%; height:29px; border:none; }
.ib-tbl-hdt { width:100%; font:bold 19px/1em Arial; text-align:center; position:absolute; left:0; top:13px;border-radius:2px; }
.ib-tbl-hdt, .ib-tbl-hdt a, .ib-tbl-hdt a:visited { color:#eaeaea; }