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==[[Psychology/Abilities|Psychology Complete Ability List]]==
==[[Psychology/Abilities|Psychology Complete Ability List]]==
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<!-- Updated on February 05, 2022 from v357 -->
{| {{STDT|sortable mw-collapsible<includeonly> mw-collapsed</includeonly>}} style="width:100%;"
Click "Expand" on the box below to view a complete list of Abilities for the {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} skill.
{| {{STDT|sortable mw-collapsible<includeonly> mw-collapsed</includeonly>}} style="width: 100%;"
! Icon !! Level !! Name !! style="width: 25%;" | Description !! style="width: 25%;" | Special !! style="width: 11%;" | Effects !! style="width: 11%;" | Stats !! style="width: 9%;" | Source
! Icon !! Level !! Name !! style="width: 25%;" | Description !! style="width: 25%;" | Special !! style="width: 11%;" | Effects !! style="width: 11%;" | Stats !! style="width: 9%;" | Source
| {{Ability icon|Mock|2}} || 1 || Mock || Tease and aggravate your enemy.<br><b>This is a Basic Attack.</b> (When it triggers a Combat Refresh, +10 Power) || || <b>Damage Health: </b> 5 Psychic<br><b>Taunt: </b>+35 || <b>Power Cost: </b>0<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>2 || <b>Item:</b> [[Psychology: Mock]]
| {{Ability icon|Psychoanalyze|2}} || 1 || Psychoanalyze || You attempt to unravel the target's rage, making it more difficult for them to use their Rage attacks. (Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency.)<br><b>This is a Signature Debuff ability</b> || Target needs 50% more Rage to fill their Rage Meter. || <b>Damage:</b> 16 Psychic<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 15<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Psychoanalyze|2}} || 1 || Psychoanalyze || You attempt to unravel the target's rage, making it more difficult for them to use their Rage attacks. (Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency.)<br><b>This is a Signature Debuff ability.</b> || Target needs 50% more Rage to fill their Rage Meter. || <b>Damage: </b> 16 Psychic || <b>Power Cost: </b>14<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>30 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Mock|2}} || 1 || Mock || Tease and aggravate your enemy.<br><b>This is a Basic Attack</b> || || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 5 Psychic<br><b>Taunts:</b> 35<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 0<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 2 || <b>Item:</b> [[Psychology: Mock]]
| {{Ability icon|Tell Me About Your Mother|2}} || 3 || Tell Me About Your Mother || Convince an enemy to discuss their thoughts and fears with you instead of attacking. Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency. || Target becomes mesmerized for 10 seconds, or until attacked.<br><b>Suppresses Monster Shout</b> || <b>Damage Health: </b> 1 Psychic || <b>Power Cost: </b>8<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>30 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Tell Me About Your Mother|2}} || 3 || Tell Me About Your Mother || Convince an enemy to discuss their thoughts and fears with you instead of attacking. Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency. || Target becomes mesmerized for 10 seconds, or until attacked.<br><b>Suppresses Monster Shout</b> || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 1 Psychic || <b>Power Cost:</b> 8<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Strike a Nerve|2}} || 5 || Strike a Nerve || Say something cruel that plays upon the target's fears and failures, dealing psychic damage.<br><b>This is a Core Attack.</b> ||  || <b>Damage: </b> 20 Psychic<br><b>Dmg to Vulnerable Targets: </b> 20 Psychic || <b>Power Cost: </b>11<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>8 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Strike a Nerve|2}} || 5 || Strike a Nerve || Say something cruel that plays upon the target's fears and failures, dealing psychic damage.<br><b>This is a Core Attack</b> ||  || <b>Damage:</b> 20 Psychic<br><b>Dmg to Vulnerable:</b> 20 Psychic<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 10<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 8 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Cause Terror|2}} || 7 || Cause Terror || Your words deal mental damage and may cause the target to run in terror. Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency. || Target flees for 5 seconds<br><b>Suppresses Monster Shout</b> || <b>Damage Health: </b> 14 Psychic || <b>Power Cost: </b>12<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>30 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Cause Terror|2}} || 7 || Cause Terror || Your words deal mental damage and may cause the target to run in terror. Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency. || Target flees for 5 seconds<br><b>Suppresses Monster Shout</b> || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 19 Psychic<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 11<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Soothe|2}} || 8 || Soothe || Say something kind that briefly catches the target off guard, causing them to lose their Rage. ||  || <b>Damage Health: </b> 8 Psychic<br><b>Reduces Rage: </b>-120<br><b>Enrages Target: </b>0% || <b>Power Cost: </b>6<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Soothe|2}} || 8 || Soothe || Say something kind that briefly catches the target off guard, causing them to lose their Rage. ||  || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 13 Psychic<br><b>Enemy Rage:</b> -120<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 10<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 13 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Mock 2|2}} || 10 || Mock 2 || Tease and aggravate your enemy.<br><b>This is a Basic Attack.</b> (When it triggers a Combat Refresh, +15 Power) ||  || <b>Damage Health: </b> 10 Psychic<br><b>Taunt: </b>+55 || <b>Power Cost: </b>0<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>2 || <b>Item:</b> [[Psychology: Mock 2]]
| {{Ability icon|Pep Talk|2}} || 10 || Pep Talk || Give yourself or an ally a quick pep-talk to overcome their grievous injuries.<br><b>This is a Major Heal</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 70 Health ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 17<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Pep Talk|2}} || 10 || Pep Talk || Give yourself or an ally a quick pep-talk to overcome their grievous injuries.<br><b>This is a Major Healing ability.</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 70 Health ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>16<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>30 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Mock 2|2}} || 10 || Mock 2 || Tease and aggravate your enemy.<br><b>This is a Basic Attack</b> || || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 10 Psychic<br><b>Taunts:</b> 55<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 0<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 2 || <b>Item:</b> [[Psychology: Mock 2]]
| {{Ability icon|Ridicule|2}} || 13 || Ridicule || Taunt an enemy to keep it focused on attacking you instead of someone else. ||  || <b>Damage Health: </b> 18 Psychic<br><b>Taunt: </b>+80 || <b>Power Cost: </b>10<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>7<br><b>Accuracy: </b>5 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Ridicule|2}} || 13 || Ridicule || Taunt an enemy to keep it focused on attacking you instead of someone else. ||  || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 18 Psychic<br><b>Taunts:</b> 80<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 10<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 7<br><b>Accuracy:</b> +5% || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Fast Talk|2}} || 15 || Fast Talk || Explain away minor misunderstandings, causing the target to be less aggressive toward you. ||  || <b>Damage: </b> 1 Psychic<br><b>Taunt: </b>-50<br><b>Enrages Target: </b>0% || <b>Power Cost: </b>10<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>12 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Fast Talk|2}} || 15 || Fast Talk || Explain away minor misunderstandings, causing the target to be less aggressive toward you. ||  || <b>Damage:</b> 1 Psychic<br><b>Taunts:</b> -50 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 10<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 12 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Psychoanalyze 2|2}} || 16 || Psychoanalyze 2 || You attempt to unravel the target's rage, making it more difficult for them to use their Rage attacks. (Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency.)<br><b>This is a Signature Debuff ability.</b> || Target needs 50% more Rage to fill their Rage Meter. || <b>Damage: </b> 46 Psychic || <b>Power Cost: </b>22<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>30 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Psychoanalyze 2|2}} || 16 || Psychoanalyze 2 || You attempt to unravel the target's rage, making it more difficult for them to use their Rage attacks. (Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency.)<br><b>This is a Signature Debuff ability</b> || Target needs 50% more Rage to fill their Rage Meter. || <b>Damage:</b> 46 Psychic<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 23<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Positive Attitude|2}} || 18 || Positive Attitude || Use the power of optimism to recover from your injuries.<br><b>This is a Survival-Utility ability.</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 30 Health<br><b>Restore:</b> 30 Armor<br><b>Restore:</b> 30 Power ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>0<br><b>Range: </b>3<br><b>Cooldown: </b>60 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Positive Attitude|2}} || 18 || Positive Attitude || Use the power of optimism to recover from your injuries.<br><b>This is a Survival-Utility ability</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 30 Health<br><b>Restore:</b> 30 Armor<br><b>Restore:</b> 30 Power ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 0<br><b>Range:</b> 3<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 60 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|You Were Adopted|2}} || 18 || You Were Adopted || Reveal something so surprising that the target's heart briefly stops. (Only works on targets who have been recent victims of Psychoanalyze or Tell Me About Your Mother.)<br><b>This is an Epic Attack.</b> ||  || <b>Damage: </b> 101 Trauma || <b>Power Cost: </b>46<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Helena Veilmoor]]<br><b>Training:</b> [[Suspicious Cow]]
| {{Ability icon|You Were Adopted|2}} || 18 || You Were Adopted || Reveal something so surprising that the target's heart briefly stops. (Only works on targets who have been recent victims of Psychoanalyze or Tell Me About Your Mother.)<br><b>This is an Epic Attack</b> ||  || <b>Damage:</b> 101 Trauma<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 46<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Helena Veilmoor]]<br><b>Training:</b> [[Suspicious Cow]]
| {{Ability icon|Mock 3|2}} || 20 || Mock 3 || Tease and aggravate your enemy.<br><b>This is a Basic Attack.</b> (When it triggers a Combat Refresh, +19 Power) ||  || <b>Damage Health: </b> 17 Psychic<br><b>Taunt: </b>+75 || <b>Power Cost: </b>0<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>2 || <b>Item:</b> [[Psychology: Mock 3]]
| {{Ability icon|Tell Me About Your Mother 2|2}} || 20 || Tell Me About Your Mother 2 || Convince an enemy to discuss their thoughts and fears with you instead of attacking. Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency. || Target becomes mesmerized for 15 seconds, or until attacked.<br><b>Suppresses Monster Shout</b> || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 1 Psychic || <b>Power Cost:</b> 11<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Tell Me About Your Mother 2|2}} || 20 || Tell Me About Your Mother 2 || Convince an enemy to discuss their thoughts and fears with you instead of attacking. Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency. || Target becomes mesmerized for 15 seconds, or until attacked.<br><b>Suppresses Monster Shout</b> || <b>Damage Health: </b> 1 Psychic || <b>Power Cost: </b>11<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>30 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Mock 3|2}} || 20 || Mock 3 || Tease and aggravate your enemy.<br><b>This is a Basic Attack</b> ||  || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 17 Psychic<br><b>Taunts:</b> 75<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 0<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 2 || <b>Item:</b> [[Psychology: Mock 3]]
| {{Ability icon|Inspire Confidence|2}} || 23 || Inspire Confidence || Push yourself and your allies to new heights, thanks to your confident demeanor.<br><b>This is a Signature Support ability.</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 65 Health to you and nearby allies ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>25<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>AoE: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>30 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Inspire Confidence|2}} || 23 || Inspire Confidence || Push yourself and your allies to new heights, thanks to your confident demeanor. || <b>Restore:</b> 65 Health to you and nearby allies ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 26<br><b>AoE:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|But I Love You|2}} || 25 || But I Love You || Attempt to make the target feel so guilty that they don't use their full strength. (Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency.) || Target's attacks deal -10% damage for 30 seconds. || <b>Damage: </b> 50 Psychic || <b>Power Cost: </b>26<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Helena Veilmoor]]<br><b>Training:</b> [[Suspicious Cow]]
| {{Ability icon|Strike a Nerve 2|2}} || 25 || Strike a Nerve 2 || Say something cruel that plays upon the target's fears and failures, dealing psychic damage.<br><b>This is a Core Attack</b> || || <b>Damage:</b> 51 Psychic<br><b>Dmg to Vulnerable:</b> 51 Psychic<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 17<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 8 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Strike a Nerve 2|2}} || 25 || Strike a Nerve 2 || Say something cruel that plays upon the target's fears and failures, dealing psychic damage.<br><b>This is a Core Attack.</b> ||  || <b>Damage: </b> 51 Psychic<br><b>Dmg to Vulnerable Targets: </b> 51 Psychic || <b>Power Cost: </b>18<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>8 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|But I Love You|2}} || 25 || But I Love You || Attempt to make the target feel so guilty that they don't use their full strength. (Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency.) || Target's attacks deal -10% damage for 30 seconds. || <b>Damage:</b> 69 Psychic<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 27<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Helena Veilmoor]]<br><b>Training:</b> [[Suspicious Cow]]
| {{Ability icon|Soothe 2|2}} || 28 || Soothe 2 || Say something kind that briefly catches the target off guard, causing them to lose their Rage. ||  || <b>Damage Health: </b> 28 Psychic<br><b>Reduces Rage: </b>-300<br><b>Enrages Target: </b>0% || <b>Power Cost: </b>9<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Soothe 2|2}} || 28 || Soothe 2 || Say something kind that briefly catches the target off guard, causing them to lose their Rage. ||  || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 47 Psychic<br><b>Enemy Rage:</b> -300<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 16<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 13 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Cause Terror 2|2}} || 30 || Cause Terror 2 || Your words deal mental damage and may cause the target to run in terror. Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency. || Target flees for 8 seconds<br><b>Suppresses Monster Shout</b> || <b>Damage Health: </b> 44 Psychic || <b>Power Cost: </b>20<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>30 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Cause Terror 2|2}} || 30 || Cause Terror 2 || Your words deal mental damage and may cause the target to run in terror. Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency. || Target flees for 8 seconds<br><b>Suppresses Monster Shout</b> || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 62 Psychic<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 19<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Fast Talk 2|2}} || 30 || Fast Talk 2 || Explain away minor misunderstandings, causing the target to be less aggressive toward you. ||  || <b>Damage: </b> 1 Psychic<br><b>Taunt: </b>-150<br><b>Enrages Target: </b>0% || <b>Power Cost: </b>14<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>12 || <b>Training:</b> [[Helena Veilmoor]]<br><b>Training:</b> [[Suspicious Cow]]
| {{Ability icon|Fast Talk 2|2}} || 30 || Fast Talk 2 || Explain away minor misunderstandings, causing the target to be less aggressive toward you. ||  || <b>Damage:</b> 1 Psychic<br><b>Taunts:</b> -150 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 14<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 12 || <b>Training:</b> [[Helena Veilmoor]]<br><b>Training:</b> [[Suspicious Cow]]
| {{Ability icon|Mock 4|2}} || 30 || Mock 4 || Tease and aggravate your enemy.<br><b>This is a Basic Attack.</b> (When it triggers a Combat Refresh, +23 Power) ||  || <b>Damage Health: </b> 27 Psychic<br><b>Taunt: </b>+95 || <b>Power Cost: </b>0<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>2 || <b>Item:</b> [[Psychology: Mock 4]]
| {{Ability icon|Mock 4|2}} || 30 || Mock 4 || Tease and aggravate your enemy.<br><b>This is a Basic Attack</b> ||  || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 27 Psychic<br><b>Taunts:</b> 95<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 0<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 2 || <b>Item:</b> [[Psychology: Mock 4]]
| {{Ability icon|Psychoanalyze 3|2}} || 31 || Psychoanalyze 3 || You attempt to unravel the target's rage, making it more difficult for them to use their Rage attacks. (Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency.)<br><b>This is a Signature Debuff ability.</b> || Target needs 50% more Rage to fill their Rage Meter. || <b>Damage: </b> 64 Psychic || <b>Power Cost: </b>30<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>30 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Psychoanalyze 3|2}} || 31 || Psychoanalyze 3 || You attempt to unravel the target's rage, making it more difficult for them to use their Rage attacks. (Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency.)<br><b>This is a Signature Debuff ability</b> || Target needs 50% more Rage to fill their Rage Meter. || <b>Damage:</b> 64 Psychic<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 31<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Positive Attitude 2|2}} || 33 || Positive Attitude 2 || Use the power of optimism to recover from your injuries.<br><b>This is a Survival-Utility ability.</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 50 Health<br><b>Restore:</b> 50 Armor<br><b>Restore:</b> 50 Power ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>0<br><b>Range: </b>3<br><b>Cooldown: </b>60 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Positive Attitude 2|2}} || 33 || Positive Attitude 2 || Use the power of optimism to recover from your injuries.<br><b>This is a Survival-Utility ability</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 50 Health<br><b>Restore:</b> 50 Armor<br><b>Restore:</b> 50 Power ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 0<br><b>Range:</b> 3<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 60 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|You Were Adopted 2|2}} || 34 || You Were Adopted 2 || Reveal something so surprising that the target's heart briefly stops. (Only works on targets who have been recent victims of Psychoanalyze or Tell Me About Your Mother.)<br><b>This is an Epic Attack.</b> ||  || <b>Damage: </b> 190 Trauma || <b>Power Cost: </b>63<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Helena Veilmoor]]<br><b>Training:</b> [[Suspicious Cow]]
| {{Ability icon|You Were Adopted 2|2}} || 34 || You Were Adopted 2 || Reveal something so surprising that the target's heart briefly stops. (Only works on targets who have been recent victims of Psychoanalyze or Tell Me About Your Mother.)<br><b>This is an Epic Attack</b> ||  || <b>Damage:</b> 190 Trauma<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 63<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Helena Veilmoor]]<br><b>Training:</b> [[Suspicious Cow]]
| {{Ability icon|Pep Talk 2|2}} || 35 || Pep Talk 2 || Give yourself or an ally a quick pep-talk to overcome their grievous injuries.<br><b>This is a Major Healing ability.</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 120 Health ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>27<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>30 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Pep Talk 2|2}} || 35 || Pep Talk 2 || Give yourself or an ally a quick pep-talk to overcome their grievous injuries.<br><b>This is a Major Heal</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 120 Health ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 28<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Ridicule 2|2}} || 36 || Ridicule 2 || Taunt an enemy to keep it focused on attacking you instead of someone else. ||  || <b>Damage Health: </b> 56 Psychic<br><b>Taunt: </b>+140 || <b>Power Cost: </b>15<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>7<br><b>Accuracy: </b>10 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Ridicule 2|2}} || 36 || Ridicule 2 || Taunt an enemy to keep it focused on attacking you instead of someone else. ||  || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 56 Psychic<br><b>Taunts:</b> 140<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 16<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 7<br><b>Accuracy:</b> +10% || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Strike a Nerve 3|2}} || 38 || Strike a Nerve 3 || Say something cruel that plays upon the target's fears and failures, dealing psychic damage.<br><b>This is a Core Attack.</b> ||  || <b>Damage: </b> 85 Psychic<br><b>Dmg to Vulnerable Targets: </b> 85 Psychic || <b>Power Cost: </b>23<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>8 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Strike a Nerve 3|2}} || 38 || Strike a Nerve 3 || Say something cruel that plays upon the target's fears and failures, dealing psychic damage.<br><b>This is a Core Attack</b> ||  || <b>Damage:</b> 85 Psychic<br><b>Dmg to Vulnerable:</b> 85 Psychic<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 21<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 8 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Mock 5|2}} || 40 || Mock 5 || Tease and aggravate your enemy.<br><b>This is a Basic Attack.</b> (When it triggers a Combat Refresh, +26 Power) ||  || <b>Damage Health: </b> 37 Psychic<br><b>Taunt: </b>+115 || <b>Power Cost: </b>0<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>2 || <b>Item:</b> [[Psychology: Mock 5]]
| {{Ability icon|Tell Me About Your Mother 3|2}} || 40 || Tell Me About Your Mother 3 || Convince an enemy to discuss their thoughts and fears with you instead of attacking. Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency. || Target becomes mesmerized for 20 seconds, or until attacked.<br><b>Suppresses Monster Shout</b> || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 1 Psychic || <b>Power Cost:</b> 17<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Tell Me About Your Mother 3|2}} || 40 || Tell Me About Your Mother 3 || Convince an enemy to discuss their thoughts and fears with you instead of attacking. Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency. || Target becomes mesmerized for 20 seconds, or until attacked.<br><b>Suppresses Monster Shout</b> || <b>Damage Health: </b> 1 Psychic || <b>Power Cost: </b>16<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>30 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Mock 5|2}} || 40 || Mock 5 || Tease and aggravate your enemy.<br><b>This is a Basic Attack</b> ||  || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 37 Psychic<br><b>Taunts:</b> 115<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 0<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 2 || <b>Item:</b> [[Psychology: Mock 5]]
| {{Ability icon|Inspire Confidence 2|2}} || 43 || Inspire Confidence 2 || Push yourself and your allies to new heights, thanks to your confident demeanor.<br><b>This is a Signature Support ability.</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 90 Health to you and nearby allies ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>36<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>AoE: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>30 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Inspire Confidence 2|2}} || 43 || Inspire Confidence 2 || Push yourself and your allies to new heights, thanks to your confident demeanor. || <b>Restore:</b> 90 Health to you and nearby allies ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 37<br><b>AoE:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|You Were Adopted 3|2}} || 44 || You Were Adopted 3 || Reveal something so surprising that the target's heart briefly stops. (Only works on targets who have been recent victims of Psychoanalyze or Tell Me About Your Mother.)<br><b>This is an Epic Attack.</b> ||  || <b>Damage: </b> 283 Trauma || <b>Power Cost: </b>72<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Helena Veilmoor]]<br><b>Training:</b> [[Suspicious Cow]]
| {{Ability icon|You Were Adopted 3|2}} || 44 || You Were Adopted 3 || Reveal something so surprising that the target's heart briefly stops. (Only works on targets who have been recent victims of Psychoanalyze or Tell Me About Your Mother.)<br><b>This is an Epic Attack</b> ||  || <b>Damage:</b> 283 Trauma<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 72<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Helena Veilmoor]]<br><b>Training:</b> [[Suspicious Cow]]
| {{Ability icon|Pep Talk 3|2}} || 45 || Pep Talk 3 || Give yourself or an ally a quick pep-talk to overcome their grievous injuries.<br><b>This is a Major Healing ability.</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 140 Health ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>31<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>30 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Pep Talk 3|2}} || 45 || Pep Talk 3 || Give yourself or an ally a quick pep-talk to overcome their grievous injuries.<br><b>This is a Major Heal</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 140 Health ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 32<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Psychoanalyze 4|2}} || 47 || Psychoanalyze 4 || You attempt to unravel the target's rage, making it more difficult for them to use their Rage attacks. (Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency.)<br><b>This is a Signature Debuff ability.</b> || Target needs 50% more Rage to fill their Rage Meter. || <b>Damage: </b> 128 Psychic || <b>Power Cost: </b>37<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>30 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Psychoanalyze 4|2}} || 47 || Psychoanalyze 4 || You attempt to unravel the target's rage, making it more difficult for them to use their Rage attacks. (Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency.)<br><b>This is a Signature Debuff ability</b> || Target needs 50% more Rage to fill their Rage Meter. || <b>Damage:</b> 128 Psychic<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 39<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Soothe 3|2}} || 48 || Soothe 3 || Say something kind that briefly catches the target off guard, causing them to lose their Rage. ||  || <b>Damage Health: </b> 67 Psychic<br><b>Reduces Rage: </b>-700<br><b>Enrages Target: </b>0% || <b>Power Cost: </b>13<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Soothe 3|2}} || 48 || Soothe 3 || Say something kind that briefly catches the target off guard, causing them to lose their Rage. ||  || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 111 Psychic<br><b>Enemy Rage:</b> -700<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 21<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 13 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|But I Love You 2|2}} || 50 || But I Love You 2 || Attempt to make the target feel so guilty that they don't use their full strength. (Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency.) || Target's attacks deal -20% damage for 30 seconds. || <b>Damage: </b> 144 Psychic || <b>Power Cost: </b>39<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Helena Veilmoor]]<br><b>Training:</b> [[Suspicious Cow]]
| {{Ability icon|Strike a Nerve 4|2}} || 50 || Strike a Nerve 4 || Say something cruel that plays upon the target's fears and failures, dealing psychic damage.<br><b>This is a Core Attack</b> || || <b>Damage:</b> 144 Psychic<br><b>Dmg to Vulnerable:</b> 144 Psychic<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 25<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 8 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Mock 6|2}} || 50 || Mock 6 || Tease and aggravate your enemy.<br><b>This is a Basic Attack.</b> (When it triggers a Combat Refresh, +28 Power) ||  || <b>Damage Health: </b> 58 Psychic<br><b>Taunt: </b>+135 || <b>Power Cost: </b>0<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>2 || <b>Item:</b> [[Psychology: Mock 6]]
| {{Ability icon|But I Love You 2|2}} || 50 || But I Love You 2 || Attempt to make the target feel so guilty that they don't use their full strength. (Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency.) || Target's attacks deal -20% damage for 30 seconds. || <b>Damage:</b> 200 Psychic<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 40<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Helena Veilmoor]]<br><b>Training:</b> [[Suspicious Cow]]
| {{Ability icon|Strike a Nerve 4|2}} || 50 || Strike a Nerve 4 || Say something cruel that plays upon the target's fears and failures, dealing psychic damage.<br><b>This is a Core Attack.</b> ||  || <b>Damage: </b> 144 Psychic<br><b>Dmg to Vulnerable Targets: </b> 144 Psychic || <b>Power Cost: </b>27<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>8 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Mock 6|2}} || 50 || Mock 6 || Tease and aggravate your enemy.<br><b>This is a Basic Attack</b> ||  || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 58 Psychic<br><b>Taunts:</b> 135<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 0<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 2 || <b>Item:</b> [[Psychology: Mock 6]]
| {{Ability icon|Ridicule 3|2}} || 52 || Ridicule 3 || Taunt an enemy to keep it focused on attacking you instead of someone else. ||  || <b>Damage Health: </b> 110 Psychic<br><b>Taunt: </b>+225 || <b>Power Cost: </b>19<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>7<br><b>Accuracy: </b>15 || Leveling<br><b>Training:</b> [[Nissim]]
| {{Ability icon|Ridicule 3|2}} || 52 || Ridicule 3 || Taunt an enemy to keep it focused on attacking you instead of someone else. ||  || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 110 Psychic<br><b>Taunts:</b> 225<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 19<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 7<br><b>Accuracy:</b> +15% || Leveling<br><b>Training:</b> [[Nissim]]
| {{Ability icon|Fast Talk 3|2}} || 53 || Fast Talk 3 || Explain away minor misunderstandings, causing the target to be less aggressive toward you. ||  || <b>Damage: </b> 1 Psychic<br><b>Taunt: </b>-250<br><b>Enrages Target: </b>0% || <b>Power Cost: </b>19<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>12 || <b>Training:</b> [[Nissim]]
| {{Ability icon|Fast Talk 3|2}} || 53 || Fast Talk 3 || Explain away minor misunderstandings, causing the target to be less aggressive toward you. ||  || <b>Damage:</b> 1 Psychic<br><b>Taunts:</b> -250 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 19<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 12 || <b>Training:</b> [[Nissim]]
| {{Ability icon|Pep Talk 4|2}} || 55 || Pep Talk 4 || Give yourself or an ally a quick pep-talk to overcome their grievous injuries.<br><b>This is a Major Healing ability.</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 160 Health ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>34<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Nissim]]
| {{Ability icon|Pep Talk 4|2}} || 55 || Pep Talk 4 || Give yourself or an ally a quick pep-talk to overcome their grievous injuries.<br><b>This is a Major Heal</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 160 Health ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 36<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Nissim]]
| {{Ability icon|Positive Attitude 3|2}} || 56 || Positive Attitude 3 || Use the power of optimism to recover from your injuries.<br><b>This is a Survival-Utility ability.</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 70 Health<br><b>Restore:</b> 70 Armor<br><b>Restore:</b> 70 Power ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>0<br><b>Range: </b>3<br><b>Cooldown: </b>60 || <b>Training:</b> [[Nissim]]
| {{Ability icon|Positive Attitude 3|2}} || 56 || Positive Attitude 3 || Use the power of optimism to recover from your injuries.<br><b>This is a Survival-Utility ability</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 70 Health<br><b>Restore:</b> 70 Armor<br><b>Restore:</b> 70 Power ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 0<br><b>Range:</b> 3<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 60 || <b>Training:</b> [[Nissim]]
| {{Ability icon|You Were Adopted 4|2}} || 57 || You Were Adopted 4 || Reveal something so surprising that the target's heart briefly stops. (Only works on targets who have been recent victims of Psychoanalyze or Tell Me About Your Mother.)<br><b>This is an Epic Attack.</b> ||  || <b>Damage: </b> 448 Trauma || <b>Power Cost: </b>84<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Nissim]]
| {{Ability icon|You Were Adopted 4|2}} || 57 || You Were Adopted 4 || Reveal something so surprising that the target's heart briefly stops. (Only works on targets who have been recent victims of Psychoanalyze or Tell Me About Your Mother.)<br><b>This is an Epic Attack</b> ||  || <b>Damage:</b> 448 Trauma<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 84<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Nissim]]
| {{Ability icon|Soothe 4|2}} || 58 || Soothe 4 || Say something kind that briefly catches the target off guard, causing them to lose their Rage. ||  || <b>Damage Health: </b> 92 Psychic<br><b>Reduces Rage: </b>-900<br><b>Enrages Target: </b>0% || <b>Power Cost: </b>14<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Nissim]]
| {{Ability icon|Soothe 4|2}} || 58 || Soothe 4 || Say something kind that briefly catches the target off guard, causing them to lose their Rage. ||  || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 154 Psychic<br><b>Enemy Rage:</b> -900<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 24<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 13 || <b>Training:</b> [[Nissim]]
| {{Ability icon|Cause Terror 3|2}} || 59 || Cause Terror 3 || Your words deal mental damage and may cause the target to run in terror. Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency. || Target flees for 8 seconds<br><b>Suppresses Monster Shout</b> || <b>Damage Health: </b> 136 Psychic || <b>Power Cost: </b>30<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Nissim]]
| {{Ability icon|Cause Terror 3|2}} || 59 || Cause Terror 3 || Your words deal mental damage and may cause the target to run in terror. Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency. || Target flees for 8 seconds<br><b>Suppresses Monster Shout</b> || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 190 Psychic<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 27<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Nissim]]
| {{Ability icon|Inspire Confidence 3|2}} || 60 || Inspire Confidence 3 || Push yourself and your allies to new heights, thanks to your confident demeanor.<br><b>This is a Signature Support ability.</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 110 Health to you and nearby allies ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>43<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>AoE: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Nissim]]
| {{Ability icon|Tell Me About Your Mother 4|2}} || 60 || Tell Me About Your Mother 4 || Convince an enemy to discuss their thoughts and fears with you instead of attacking. Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency. || Target becomes mesmerized for 25 seconds, or until attacked.<br><b>Suppresses Monster Shout</b> || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 1 Psychic || <b>Power Cost:</b> 21<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Item:</b> [[Psychology: Tell Me About Your Mother 4]]
| {{Ability icon|Mock 7|2}} || 60 || Mock 7 || Tease and aggravate your enemy.<br><b>This is a Basic Attack.</b> (When it triggers a Combat Refresh, +30 Power) ||  || <b>Damage Health: </b> 79 Psychic<br><b>Taunt: </b>+155 || <b>Power Cost: </b>0<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>2 || <b>Item:</b> [[Psychology: Mock 7]]
| {{Ability icon|Inspire Confidence 3|2}} || 60 || Inspire Confidence 3 || Push yourself and your allies to new heights, thanks to your confident demeanor. || <b>Restore:</b> 110 Health to you and nearby allies ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 45<br><b>AoE:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Nissim]]
| {{Ability icon|Psychoanalyze 5|2}} || 60 || Psychoanalyze 5 || You attempt to unravel the target's rage, making it more difficult for them to use their Rage attacks. (Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency.)<br><b>This is a Signature Debuff ability.</b> || Target needs 50% more Rage to fill their Rage Meter. || <b>Damage: </b> 231 Psychic || <b>Power Cost: </b>43<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Nissim]]
| {{Ability icon|Mock 7|2}} || 60 || Mock 7 || Tease and aggravate your enemy.<br><b>This is a Basic Attack</b> || || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 79 Psychic<br><b>Taunts:</b> 155<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 0<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 2 || <b>Item:</b> [[Psychology: Mock 7]]
| {{Ability icon|Tell Me About Your Mother 4|2}} || 60 || Tell Me About Your Mother 4 || Convince an enemy to discuss their thoughts and fears with you instead of attacking. Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency. || Target becomes mesmerized for 25 seconds, or until attacked.<br><b>Suppresses Monster Shout</b> || <b>Damage Health: </b> 1 Psychic || <b>Power Cost: </b>20<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>30 || <b>Item:</b> [[Psychology: Tell Me About Your Mother 4]]
| {{Ability icon|Psychoanalyze 5|2}} || 60 || Psychoanalyze 5 || You attempt to unravel the target's rage, making it more difficult for them to use their Rage attacks. (Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency.)<br><b>This is a Signature Debuff ability</b> || Target needs 50% more Rage to fill their Rage Meter. || <b>Damage:</b> 231 Psychic<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 45<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Nissim]]
| {{Ability icon|Strike a Nerve 5|2}} || 62 || Strike a Nerve 5 || Say something cruel that plays upon the target's fears and failures, dealing psychic damage.<br><b>This is a Core Attack.</b> ||  || <b>Damage: </b> 206 Psychic<br><b>Dmg to Vulnerable Targets: </b> 206 Psychic || <b>Power Cost: </b>31<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>8 || <b>Training:</b> [[Nissim]]
| {{Ability icon|Strike a Nerve 5|2}} || 62 || Strike a Nerve 5 || Say something cruel that plays upon the target's fears and failures, dealing psychic damage.<br><b>This is a Core Attack</b> ||  || <b>Damage:</b> 206 Psychic<br><b>Dmg to Vulnerable:</b> 206 Psychic<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 28<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 8 || <b>Training:</b> [[Nissim]]
| {{Ability icon|Pep Talk 5|2}} || 65 || Pep Talk 5 || Give yourself or an ally a quick pep-talk to overcome their grievous injuries.<br><b>This is a Major Healing ability.</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 180 Health ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>38<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Nissim]]
| {{Ability icon|Pep Talk 5|2}} || 65 || Pep Talk 5 || Give yourself or an ally a quick pep-talk to overcome their grievous injuries.<br><b>This is a Major Heal</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 180 Health ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 40<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Nissim]]
| {{Ability icon|Soothe 5|2}} || 67 || Soothe 5 || Say something kind that briefly catches the target off guard, causing them to lose their Rage. ||  || <b>Damage Health: </b> 117 Psychic<br><b>Reduces Rage: </b>-1100<br><b>Enrages Target: </b>0% || <b>Power Cost: </b>16<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Nissim]]
| {{Ability icon|Soothe 5|2}} || 67 || Soothe 5 || Say something kind that briefly catches the target off guard, causing them to lose their Rage. ||  || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 194 Psychic<br><b>Enemy Rage:</b> -1100<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 26<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 13 || <b>Training:</b> [[Nissim]]
| {{Ability icon|Ridicule 4|2}} || 68 || Ridicule 4 || Taunt an enemy to keep it focused on attacking you instead of someone else. ||  || <b>Damage Health: </b> 170 Psychic<br><b>Taunt: </b>+300 || <b>Power Cost: </b>22<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>7<br><b>Accuracy: </b>20 || <b>Training:</b> [[Nissim]]
| {{Ability icon|Ridicule 4|2}} || 68 || Ridicule 4 || Taunt an enemy to keep it focused on attacking you instead of someone else. ||  || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 170 Psychic<br><b>Taunts:</b> 300<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 23<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 7<br><b>Accuracy:</b> +20% || <b>Training:</b> [[Nissim]]
| {{Ability icon|You Were Adopted 5|2}} || 69 || You Were Adopted 5 || Reveal something so surprising that the target's heart briefly stops. (Only works on targets who have been recent victims of Psychoanalyze or Tell Me About Your Mother.)<br><b>This is an Epic Attack.</b> ||  || <b>Damage: </b> 601 Trauma || <b>Power Cost: </b>95<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Nissim]]
| {{Ability icon|You Were Adopted 5|2}} || 69 || You Were Adopted 5 || Reveal something so surprising that the target's heart briefly stops. (Only works on targets who have been recent victims of Psychoanalyze or Tell Me About Your Mother.)<br><b>This is an Epic Attack</b> ||  || <b>Damage:</b> 601 Trauma<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 95<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Nissim]]
| {{Ability icon|Fast Talk 4|2}} || 70 || Fast Talk 4 || Explain away minor misunderstandings, causing the target to be less aggressive toward you. ||  || <b>Damage: </b> 1 Psychic<br><b>Taunt: </b>-350<br><b>Enrages Target: </b>0% || <b>Power Cost: </b>23<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>12 || <b>Training:</b> [[Nissim]]
| {{Ability icon|Fast Talk 4|2}} || 70 || Fast Talk 4 || Explain away minor misunderstandings, causing the target to be less aggressive toward you. ||  || <b>Damage:</b> 1 Psychic<br><b>Taunts:</b> -350 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 23<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 12 || <b>Training:</b> [[Nissim]]
| {{Ability icon|Mock 8|2}} || 70 || Mock 8 || Tease and aggravate your enemy.<br><b>This is a Basic Attack.</b> (When it triggers a Combat Refresh, +32 Power) ||  || <b>Damage Health: </b> 100 Psychic<br><b>Taunt: </b>+175 || <b>Power Cost: </b>0<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>2 || <b>Item:</b> [[Psychology: Mock 8]]
| {{Ability icon|Mock 8|2}} || 70 || Mock 8 || Tease and aggravate your enemy.<br><b>This is a Basic Attack</b> ||  || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 100 Psychic<br><b>Taunts:</b> 175<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 0<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 2 || <b>Item:</b> [[Psychology: Mock 8]]
| {{Ability icon|Positive Attitude 4|2}} || 71 || Positive Attitude 4 || Use the power of optimism to recover from your injuries.<br><b>This is a Survival-Utility ability.</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 90 Health<br><b>Restore:</b> 90 Armor<br><b>Restore:</b> 80 Power ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>0<br><b>Range: </b>3<br><b>Cooldown: </b>60 || <b>Training:</b> [[Nissim]]
| {{Ability icon|Tell Me About Your Mother 5|2}} || 70 || Tell Me About Your Mother 5 || Convince an enemy to discuss their thoughts and fears with you instead of attacking. Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency. || Target becomes mesmerized for 30 seconds, or until attacked.<br><b>Suppresses Monster Shout</b> || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 1 Psychic || <b>Power Cost:</b> 23<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Item:</b> [[Psychology: Tell Me About Your Mother 5]]
| {{Ability icon|Psychoanalyze 6|2}} || 74 || Psychoanalyze 6 || You attempt to unravel the target's rage, making it more difficult for them to use their Rage attacks. (Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency.)<br><b>This is a Signature Debuff ability.</b> || Target needs 50% more Rage to fill their Rage Meter. || <b>Damage: </b> 323 Psychic || <b>Power Cost: </b>50<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Raina]]
| {{Ability icon|Positive Attitude 4|2}} || 71 || Positive Attitude 4 || Use the power of optimism to recover from your injuries.<br><b>This is a Survival-Utility ability</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 90 Health<br><b>Restore:</b> 90 Armor<br><b>Restore:</b> 90 Power ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 0<br><b>Range:</b> 3<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 60 || <b>Training:</b> [[Nissim]]
| {{Ability icon|Strike a Nerve 6|2}} || 74 || Strike a Nerve 6 || Say something cruel that plays upon the target's fears and failures, dealing psychic damage.<br><b>This is a Core Attack.</b> || || <b>Damage: </b> 275 Psychic<br><b>Dmg to Vulnerable Targets: </b> 275 Psychic || <b>Power Cost: </b>35<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>8 || <b>Training:</b> [[Raina]]
| {{Ability icon|Psychoanalyze 6|2}} || 74 || Psychoanalyze 6 || You attempt to unravel the target's rage, making it more difficult for them to use their Rage attacks. (Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency.)<br><b>This is a Signature Debuff ability</b> || Target needs 50% more Rage to fill their Rage Meter. || <b>Damage:</b> 323 Psychic<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 52<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Raina]]
| {{Ability icon|But I Love You 3|2}} || 75 || But I Love You 3 || Attempt to make the target feel so guilty that they don't use their full strength. (Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency.) || Target's attacks deal -25% damage for 30 seconds. || <b>Damage: </b> 282 Psychic || <b>Power Cost: </b>51<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Helena Veilmoor]]<br><b>Training:</b> [[Raina]]<br><b>Training:</b> [[Suspicious Cow]]
| {{Ability icon|Strike a Nerve 6|2}} || 74 || Strike a Nerve 6 || Say something cruel that plays upon the target's fears and failures, dealing psychic damage.<br><b>This is a Core Attack</b> || || <b>Damage:</b> 275 Psychic<br><b>Dmg to Vulnerable:</b> 275 Psychic<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 32<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 8 || <b>Training:</b> [[Raina]]
| {{Ability icon|Inspire Confidence 4|2}} || 75 || Inspire Confidence 4 || Push yourself and your allies to new heights, thanks to your confident demeanor.<br><b>This is a Signature Support ability.</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 130 Health to you and nearby allies ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>51<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>AoE: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Raina]]
| {{Ability icon|But I Love You 3|2}} || 75 || But I Love You 3 || Attempt to make the target feel so guilty that they don't use their full strength. (Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency.) || Target's attacks deal -25% damage for 30 seconds. || <b>Damage:</b> 392 Psychic<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 53<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Helena Veilmoor]]<br><b>Training:</b> [[Raina]]<br><b>Training:</b> [[Suspicious Cow]]
| {{Ability icon|Pep Talk 6|2}} || 75 || Pep Talk 6 || Give yourself or an ally a quick pep-talk to overcome their grievous injuries.<br><b>This is a Major Healing ability.</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 200 Health ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>43<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Raina]]
| {{Ability icon|Pep Talk 6|2}} || 75 || Pep Talk 6 || Give yourself or an ally a quick pep-talk to overcome their grievous injuries.<br><b>This is a Major Heal</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 200 Health ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 45<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Raina]]
| {{Ability icon|Cause Terror 4|2}} || 78 || Cause Terror 4 || Your words deal mental damage and may cause the target to run in terror. Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency. || Target flees for 8 seconds<br><b>Suppresses Monster Shout</b> || <b>Damage Health: </b> 214 Psychic || <b>Power Cost: </b>36<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Raina]]
| {{Ability icon|Inspire Confidence 4|2}} || 75 || Inspire Confidence 4 || Push yourself and your allies to new heights, thanks to your confident demeanor. || <b>Restore:</b> 130 Health to you and nearby allies || || <b>Power Cost:</b> 53<br><b>AoE:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Raina]]
| {{Ability icon|Soothe 6|2}} || 78 || Soothe 6 || Say something kind that briefly catches the target off guard, causing them to lose their Rage. || || <b>Damage Health: </b> 150 Psychic<br><b>Reduces Rage: </b>-1300<br><b>Enrages Target: </b>0% || <b>Power Cost: </b>17<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Raina]]
| {{Ability icon|Cause Terror 4|2}} || 78 || Cause Terror 4 || Your words deal mental damage and may cause the target to run in terror. Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency. || Target flees for 8 seconds<br><b>Suppresses Monster Shout</b> || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 300 Psychic<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 34<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Raina]]
| {{Ability icon|Mock 9|2}} || 80 || Mock 9 || Tease and aggravate your enemy.<br><b>This is a Basic Attack.</b> (When it triggers a Combat Refresh, +34 Power) ||  || <b>Damage Health: </b> 126 Psychic<br><b>Taunt: </b>+195 || <b>Power Cost: </b>0<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>2 || <b>Item:</b> [[Psychology: Mock 9]]
| {{Ability icon|Soothe 6|2}} || 78 || Soothe 6 || Say something kind that briefly catches the target off guard, causing them to lose their Rage. ||  || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 250 Psychic<br><b>Enemy Rage:</b> -1300<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 29<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 13 || <b>Training:</b> [[Raina]]
| {{Ability icon|Ridicule 5|2}} || 80 || Ridicule 5 || Taunt an enemy to keep it focused on attacking you instead of someone else. ||  || <b>Damage Health: </b> 224 Psychic<br><b>Taunt: </b>+400 || <b>Power Cost: </b>25<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>7<br><b>Accuracy: </b>25 || <b>Training:</b> [[Raina]]
| {{Ability icon|Ridicule 5|2}} || 80 || Ridicule 5 || Taunt an enemy to keep it focused on attacking you instead of someone else. ||  || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 224 Psychic<br><b>Taunts:</b> 400<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 26<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 7<br><b>Accuracy:</b> +25% || <b>Training:</b> [[Raina]]
| {{Ability icon|Positive Attitude 5|2}} || 82 || Positive Attitude 5 || Use the power of optimism to recover from your injuries.<br><b>This is a Survival-Utility ability.</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 110 Health<br><b>Restore:</b> 110 Armor<br><b>Restore:</b> 90 Power ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>0<br><b>Range: </b>3<br><b>Cooldown: </b>60 || <b>Training:</b> [[Raina]]
| {{Ability icon|Mock 9|2}} || 80 || Mock 9 || Tease and aggravate your enemy.<br><b>This is a Basic Attack</b> || || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 126 Psychic<br><b>Taunts:</b> 195<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 0<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 2 || <b>Item:</b> [[Psychology: Mock 9]]
| {{Ability icon|You Were Adopted 6|2}} || 83 || You Were Adopted 6 || Reveal something so surprising that the target's heart briefly stops. (Only works on targets who have been recent victims of Psychoanalyze or Tell Me About Your Mother.)<br><b>This is an Epic Attack.</b> ||  || <b>Damage: </b> 809 Trauma || <b>Power Cost: </b>110<br><b>Range: </b>20<br><b>Cooldown: </b>30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Raina]]
| {{Ability icon|Tell Me About Your Mother 6|2}} || 80 || Tell Me About Your Mother 6 || Convince an enemy to discuss their thoughts and fears with you instead of attacking. Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency. || Target becomes mesmerized for 35 seconds, or until attacked.<br><b>Suppresses Monster Shout</b> || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 1 Psychic || <b>Power Cost:</b> 26<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Item:</b> [[Psychology: Tell Me About Your Mother 6]]
| {{Ability icon|Positive Attitude 5|2}} || 82 || Positive Attitude 5 || Use the power of optimism to recover from your injuries.<br><b>This is a Survival-Utility ability</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 110 Health<br><b>Restore:</b> 110 Armor<br><b>Restore:</b> 110 Power ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 0<br><b>Range:</b> 3<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 60 || <b>Training:</b> [[Raina]]
| {{Ability icon|You Were Adopted 6|2}} || 83 || You Were Adopted 6 || Reveal something so surprising that the target's heart briefly stops. (Only works on targets who have been recent victims of Psychoanalyze or Tell Me About Your Mother.)<br><b>This is an Epic Attack</b> ||  || <b>Damage:</b> 809 Trauma<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 110<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Raina]]
| {{Ability icon|Pep Talk 7|2}} || 85 || Pep Talk 7 || Give yourself or an ally a quick pep-talk to overcome their grievous injuries.<br><b>This is a Major Heal</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 220 Health ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 49<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Item:</b> [[Psychology: Pep Talk 7]]
| {{Ability icon|Fast Talk 5|2}} || 85 || Fast Talk 5 || Explain away minor misunderstandings, causing the target to be less aggressive toward you. ||  || <b>Damage:</b> 1 Psychic<br><b>Taunts:</b> -450 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 27<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 12 || <b>Item:</b> [[Psychology: Fast Talk 5]]
| {{Ability icon|Strike a Nerve 7|2}} || 86 || Strike a Nerve 7 || Say something cruel that plays upon the target's fears and failures, dealing psychic damage.<br><b>This is a Core Attack</b> ||  || <b>Damage:</b> 352 Psychic<br><b>Dmg to Vulnerable:</b> 352 Psychic<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 36<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 8 || <b>Item:</b> [[Psychology: Strike a Nerve 7]]
| {{Ability icon|Psychoanalyze 7|2}} || 87 || Psychoanalyze 7 || You attempt to unravel the target's rage, making it more difficult for them to use their Rage attacks. (Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency.)<br><b>This is a Signature Debuff ability</b> || Target needs 50% more Rage to fill their Rage Meter. || <b>Damage:</b> 421 Psychic<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 59<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Item:</b> [[Psychology: Psychoanalyze 7]]
| {{Ability icon|Soothe 7|2}} || 88 || Soothe 7 || Say something kind that briefly catches the target off guard, causing them to lose their Rage. ||  || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 303 Psychic<br><b>Enemy Rage:</b> -1500<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 32<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 13 || <b>Item:</b> [[Psychology: Soothe 7]]
| {{Ability icon|Inspire Confidence 5|2}} || 90 || Inspire Confidence 5 || Push yourself and your allies to new heights, thanks to your confident demeanor. || <b>Restore:</b> 150 Health to you and nearby allies ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 61<br><b>AoE:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Item:</b> [[Psychology: Inspire Confidence 5]]
| {{Ability icon|Mock 10|2}} || 90 || Mock 10 || Tease and aggravate your enemy.<br><b>This is a Basic Attack</b> ||  || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 151 Psychic<br><b>Taunts:</b> 215<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 0<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 2 || <b>Item:</b> [[Psychology: Mock 10]]
| {{Ability icon|Ridicule 6|2}} || 94 || Ridicule 6 || Taunt an enemy to keep it focused on attacking you instead of someone else. ||  || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 289 Psychic<br><b>Taunts:</b> 500<br><b>Crit Chance:</b> Phrenology<br><b>Crit Mult:</b> 1.25 || <b>Power Cost:</b> 29<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 7<br><b>Accuracy:</b> +30% || <b>Item:</b> [[Psychology: Ridicule 6]]
| {{Ability icon|Positive Attitude 6|2}} || 94 || Positive Attitude 6 || Use the power of optimism to recover from your injuries.<br><b>This is a Survival-Utility ability</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 130 Health<br><b>Restore:</b> 130 Armor<br><b>Restore:</b> 130 Power ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 0<br><b>Range:</b> 3<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 60 || <b>Item:</b> [[Psychology: Positive Attitude 6]]
| {{Ability icon|Pep Talk 8|2}} || 95 || Pep Talk 8 || Give yourself or an ally a quick pep-talk to overcome their grievous injuries.<br><b>This is a Major Heal</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 240 Health ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 54<br><b>Range:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Item:</b> [[Psychology: Pep Talk 8]]

Latest revision as of 02:00, 5 October 2024

Icon Level Name Description Special Effects Stats Source
icon_2118.png 1 Psychoanalyze You attempt to unravel the target's rage, making it more difficult for them to use their Rage attacks. (Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency.)
This is a Signature Debuff ability
Target needs 50% more Rage to fill their Rage Meter. Damage: 16 Psychic
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 15
Range: 10
Cooldown: 30
icon_2257.png 1 Mock Tease and aggravate your enemy.
This is a Basic Attack
Health Dmg: 5 Psychic
Taunts: 35
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 0
Range: 20
Cooldown: 2
Item: Psychology: Mock
icon_2123.png 3 Tell Me About Your Mother Convince an enemy to discuss their thoughts and fears with you instead of attacking. Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency. Target becomes mesmerized for 10 seconds, or until attacked.
Suppresses Monster Shout
Health Dmg: 1 Psychic Power Cost: 8
Range: 10
Cooldown: 30
icon_2124.png 5 Strike a Nerve Say something cruel that plays upon the target's fears and failures, dealing psychic damage.
This is a Core Attack
Damage: 20 Psychic
Dmg to Vulnerable: 20 Psychic
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 10
Range: 20
Cooldown: 8
icon_2104.png 7 Cause Terror Your words deal mental damage and may cause the target to run in terror. Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency. Target flees for 5 seconds
Suppresses Monster Shout
Health Dmg: 19 Psychic
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 11
Range: 20
Cooldown: 30
icon_2221.png 8 Soothe Say something kind that briefly catches the target off guard, causing them to lose their Rage. Health Dmg: 13 Psychic
Enemy Rage: -120
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 10
Range: 20
Cooldown: 13
icon_2116.png 10 Pep Talk Give yourself or an ally a quick pep-talk to overcome their grievous injuries.
This is a Major Heal
Restore: 70 Health Power Cost: 17
Range: 20
Cooldown: 30
icon_2257.png 10 Mock 2 Tease and aggravate your enemy.
This is a Basic Attack
Health Dmg: 10 Psychic
Taunts: 55
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 0
Range: 20
Cooldown: 2
Item: Psychology: Mock 2
icon_2220.png 13 Ridicule Taunt an enemy to keep it focused on attacking you instead of someone else. Health Dmg: 18 Psychic
Taunts: 80
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 10
Range: 20
Cooldown: 7
Accuracy: +5%
icon_3044.png 15 Fast Talk Explain away minor misunderstandings, causing the target to be less aggressive toward you. Damage: 1 Psychic
Taunts: -50
Power Cost: 10
Range: 10
Cooldown: 12
icon_2118.png 16 Psychoanalyze 2 You attempt to unravel the target's rage, making it more difficult for them to use their Rage attacks. (Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency.)
This is a Signature Debuff ability
Target needs 50% more Rage to fill their Rage Meter. Damage: 46 Psychic
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 23
Range: 10
Cooldown: 30
icon_2222.png 18 Positive Attitude Use the power of optimism to recover from your injuries.
This is a Survival-Utility ability
Restore: 30 Health
Restore: 30 Armor
Restore: 30 Power
Power Cost: 0
Range: 3
Cooldown: 60
icon_3440.png 18 You Were Adopted Reveal something so surprising that the target's heart briefly stops. (Only works on targets who have been recent victims of Psychoanalyze or Tell Me About Your Mother.)
This is an Epic Attack
Damage: 101 Trauma
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 46
Range: 20
Cooldown: 30
Training: Helena Veilmoor
Training: Suspicious Cow
icon_2123.png 20 Tell Me About Your Mother 2 Convince an enemy to discuss their thoughts and fears with you instead of attacking. Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency. Target becomes mesmerized for 15 seconds, or until attacked.
Suppresses Monster Shout
Health Dmg: 1 Psychic Power Cost: 11
Range: 10
Cooldown: 30
icon_2257.png 20 Mock 3 Tease and aggravate your enemy.
This is a Basic Attack
Health Dmg: 17 Psychic
Taunts: 75
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 0
Range: 20
Cooldown: 2
Item: Psychology: Mock 3
icon_2223.png 23 Inspire Confidence Push yourself and your allies to new heights, thanks to your confident demeanor. Restore: 65 Health to you and nearby allies Power Cost: 26
AoE: 20
Cooldown: 30
icon_2124.png 25 Strike a Nerve 2 Say something cruel that plays upon the target's fears and failures, dealing psychic damage.
This is a Core Attack
Damage: 51 Psychic
Dmg to Vulnerable: 51 Psychic
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 17
Range: 20
Cooldown: 8
icon_3441.png 25 But I Love You Attempt to make the target feel so guilty that they don't use their full strength. (Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency.) Target's attacks deal -10% damage for 30 seconds. Damage: 69 Psychic
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 27
Range: 20
Cooldown: 15
Training: Helena Veilmoor
Training: Suspicious Cow
icon_2221.png 28 Soothe 2 Say something kind that briefly catches the target off guard, causing them to lose their Rage. Health Dmg: 47 Psychic
Enemy Rage: -300
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 16
Range: 20
Cooldown: 13
icon_2104.png 30 Cause Terror 2 Your words deal mental damage and may cause the target to run in terror. Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency. Target flees for 8 seconds
Suppresses Monster Shout
Health Dmg: 62 Psychic
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 19
Range: 20
Cooldown: 30
icon_3044.png 30 Fast Talk 2 Explain away minor misunderstandings, causing the target to be less aggressive toward you. Damage: 1 Psychic
Taunts: -150
Power Cost: 14
Range: 10
Cooldown: 12
Training: Helena Veilmoor
Training: Suspicious Cow
icon_2257.png 30 Mock 4 Tease and aggravate your enemy.
This is a Basic Attack
Health Dmg: 27 Psychic
Taunts: 95
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 0
Range: 20
Cooldown: 2
Item: Psychology: Mock 4
icon_2118.png 31 Psychoanalyze 3 You attempt to unravel the target's rage, making it more difficult for them to use their Rage attacks. (Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency.)
This is a Signature Debuff ability
Target needs 50% more Rage to fill their Rage Meter. Damage: 64 Psychic
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 31
Range: 10
Cooldown: 30
icon_2222.png 33 Positive Attitude 2 Use the power of optimism to recover from your injuries.
This is a Survival-Utility ability
Restore: 50 Health
Restore: 50 Armor
Restore: 50 Power
Power Cost: 0
Range: 3
Cooldown: 60
icon_3440.png 34 You Were Adopted 2 Reveal something so surprising that the target's heart briefly stops. (Only works on targets who have been recent victims of Psychoanalyze or Tell Me About Your Mother.)
This is an Epic Attack
Damage: 190 Trauma
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 63
Range: 20
Cooldown: 30
Training: Helena Veilmoor
Training: Suspicious Cow
icon_2116.png 35 Pep Talk 2 Give yourself or an ally a quick pep-talk to overcome their grievous injuries.
This is a Major Heal
Restore: 120 Health Power Cost: 28
Range: 20
Cooldown: 30
icon_2220.png 36 Ridicule 2 Taunt an enemy to keep it focused on attacking you instead of someone else. Health Dmg: 56 Psychic
Taunts: 140
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 16
Range: 20
Cooldown: 7
Accuracy: +10%
icon_2124.png 38 Strike a Nerve 3 Say something cruel that plays upon the target's fears and failures, dealing psychic damage.
This is a Core Attack
Damage: 85 Psychic
Dmg to Vulnerable: 85 Psychic
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 21
Range: 20
Cooldown: 8
icon_2123.png 40 Tell Me About Your Mother 3 Convince an enemy to discuss their thoughts and fears with you instead of attacking. Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency. Target becomes mesmerized for 20 seconds, or until attacked.
Suppresses Monster Shout
Health Dmg: 1 Psychic Power Cost: 17
Range: 10
Cooldown: 30
icon_2257.png 40 Mock 5 Tease and aggravate your enemy.
This is a Basic Attack
Health Dmg: 37 Psychic
Taunts: 115
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 0
Range: 20
Cooldown: 2
Item: Psychology: Mock 5
icon_2223.png 43 Inspire Confidence 2 Push yourself and your allies to new heights, thanks to your confident demeanor. Restore: 90 Health to you and nearby allies Power Cost: 37
AoE: 20
Cooldown: 30
icon_3440.png 44 You Were Adopted 3 Reveal something so surprising that the target's heart briefly stops. (Only works on targets who have been recent victims of Psychoanalyze or Tell Me About Your Mother.)
This is an Epic Attack
Damage: 283 Trauma
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 72
Range: 20
Cooldown: 30
Training: Helena Veilmoor
Training: Suspicious Cow
icon_2116.png 45 Pep Talk 3 Give yourself or an ally a quick pep-talk to overcome their grievous injuries.
This is a Major Heal
Restore: 140 Health Power Cost: 32
Range: 20
Cooldown: 30
icon_2118.png 47 Psychoanalyze 4 You attempt to unravel the target's rage, making it more difficult for them to use their Rage attacks. (Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency.)
This is a Signature Debuff ability
Target needs 50% more Rage to fill their Rage Meter. Damage: 128 Psychic
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 39
Range: 10
Cooldown: 30
icon_2221.png 48 Soothe 3 Say something kind that briefly catches the target off guard, causing them to lose their Rage. Health Dmg: 111 Psychic
Enemy Rage: -700
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 21
Range: 20
Cooldown: 13
icon_2124.png 50 Strike a Nerve 4 Say something cruel that plays upon the target's fears and failures, dealing psychic damage.
This is a Core Attack
Damage: 144 Psychic
Dmg to Vulnerable: 144 Psychic
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 25
Range: 20
Cooldown: 8
icon_3441.png 50 But I Love You 2 Attempt to make the target feel so guilty that they don't use their full strength. (Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency.) Target's attacks deal -20% damage for 30 seconds. Damage: 200 Psychic
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 40
Range: 20
Cooldown: 15
Training: Helena Veilmoor
Training: Suspicious Cow
icon_2257.png 50 Mock 6 Tease and aggravate your enemy.
This is a Basic Attack
Health Dmg: 58 Psychic
Taunts: 135
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 0
Range: 20
Cooldown: 2
Item: Psychology: Mock 6
icon_2220.png 52 Ridicule 3 Taunt an enemy to keep it focused on attacking you instead of someone else. Health Dmg: 110 Psychic
Taunts: 225
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 19
Range: 20
Cooldown: 7
Accuracy: +15%
Training: Nissim
icon_3044.png 53 Fast Talk 3 Explain away minor misunderstandings, causing the target to be less aggressive toward you. Damage: 1 Psychic
Taunts: -250
Power Cost: 19
Range: 10
Cooldown: 12
Training: Nissim
icon_2116.png 55 Pep Talk 4 Give yourself or an ally a quick pep-talk to overcome their grievous injuries.
This is a Major Heal
Restore: 160 Health Power Cost: 36
Range: 20
Cooldown: 30
Training: Nissim
icon_2222.png 56 Positive Attitude 3 Use the power of optimism to recover from your injuries.
This is a Survival-Utility ability
Restore: 70 Health
Restore: 70 Armor
Restore: 70 Power
Power Cost: 0
Range: 3
Cooldown: 60
Training: Nissim
icon_3440.png 57 You Were Adopted 4 Reveal something so surprising that the target's heart briefly stops. (Only works on targets who have been recent victims of Psychoanalyze or Tell Me About Your Mother.)
This is an Epic Attack
Damage: 448 Trauma
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 84
Range: 20
Cooldown: 30
Training: Nissim
icon_2221.png 58 Soothe 4 Say something kind that briefly catches the target off guard, causing them to lose their Rage. Health Dmg: 154 Psychic
Enemy Rage: -900
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 24
Range: 20
Cooldown: 13
Training: Nissim
icon_2104.png 59 Cause Terror 3 Your words deal mental damage and may cause the target to run in terror. Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency. Target flees for 8 seconds
Suppresses Monster Shout
Health Dmg: 190 Psychic
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 27
Range: 20
Cooldown: 30
Training: Nissim
icon_2123.png 60 Tell Me About Your Mother 4 Convince an enemy to discuss their thoughts and fears with you instead of attacking. Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency. Target becomes mesmerized for 25 seconds, or until attacked.
Suppresses Monster Shout
Health Dmg: 1 Psychic Power Cost: 21
Range: 10
Cooldown: 30
Item: Psychology: Tell Me About Your Mother 4
icon_2223.png 60 Inspire Confidence 3 Push yourself and your allies to new heights, thanks to your confident demeanor. Restore: 110 Health to you and nearby allies Power Cost: 45
AoE: 20
Cooldown: 30
Training: Nissim
icon_2257.png 60 Mock 7 Tease and aggravate your enemy.
This is a Basic Attack
Health Dmg: 79 Psychic
Taunts: 155
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 0
Range: 20
Cooldown: 2
Item: Psychology: Mock 7
icon_2118.png 60 Psychoanalyze 5 You attempt to unravel the target's rage, making it more difficult for them to use their Rage attacks. (Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency.)
This is a Signature Debuff ability
Target needs 50% more Rage to fill their Rage Meter. Damage: 231 Psychic
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 45
Range: 10
Cooldown: 30
Training: Nissim
icon_2124.png 62 Strike a Nerve 5 Say something cruel that plays upon the target's fears and failures, dealing psychic damage.
This is a Core Attack
Damage: 206 Psychic
Dmg to Vulnerable: 206 Psychic
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 28
Range: 20
Cooldown: 8
Training: Nissim
icon_2116.png 65 Pep Talk 5 Give yourself or an ally a quick pep-talk to overcome their grievous injuries.
This is a Major Heal
Restore: 180 Health Power Cost: 40
Range: 20
Cooldown: 30
Training: Nissim
icon_2221.png 67 Soothe 5 Say something kind that briefly catches the target off guard, causing them to lose their Rage. Health Dmg: 194 Psychic
Enemy Rage: -1100
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 26
Range: 20
Cooldown: 13
Training: Nissim
icon_2220.png 68 Ridicule 4 Taunt an enemy to keep it focused on attacking you instead of someone else. Health Dmg: 170 Psychic
Taunts: 300
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 23
Range: 20
Cooldown: 7
Accuracy: +20%
Training: Nissim
icon_3440.png 69 You Were Adopted 5 Reveal something so surprising that the target's heart briefly stops. (Only works on targets who have been recent victims of Psychoanalyze or Tell Me About Your Mother.)
This is an Epic Attack
Damage: 601 Trauma
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 95
Range: 20
Cooldown: 30
Training: Nissim
icon_3044.png 70 Fast Talk 4 Explain away minor misunderstandings, causing the target to be less aggressive toward you. Damage: 1 Psychic
Taunts: -350
Power Cost: 23
Range: 10
Cooldown: 12
Training: Nissim
icon_2257.png 70 Mock 8 Tease and aggravate your enemy.
This is a Basic Attack
Health Dmg: 100 Psychic
Taunts: 175
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 0
Range: 20
Cooldown: 2
Item: Psychology: Mock 8
icon_2123.png 70 Tell Me About Your Mother 5 Convince an enemy to discuss their thoughts and fears with you instead of attacking. Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency. Target becomes mesmerized for 30 seconds, or until attacked.
Suppresses Monster Shout
Health Dmg: 1 Psychic Power Cost: 23
Range: 10
Cooldown: 30
Item: Psychology: Tell Me About Your Mother 5
icon_2222.png 71 Positive Attitude 4 Use the power of optimism to recover from your injuries.
This is a Survival-Utility ability
Restore: 90 Health
Restore: 90 Armor
Restore: 90 Power
Power Cost: 0
Range: 3
Cooldown: 60
Training: Nissim
icon_2118.png 74 Psychoanalyze 6 You attempt to unravel the target's rage, making it more difficult for them to use their Rage attacks. (Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency.)
This is a Signature Debuff ability
Target needs 50% more Rage to fill their Rage Meter. Damage: 323 Psychic
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 52
Range: 10
Cooldown: 30
Training: Raina
icon_2124.png 74 Strike a Nerve 6 Say something cruel that plays upon the target's fears and failures, dealing psychic damage.
This is a Core Attack
Damage: 275 Psychic
Dmg to Vulnerable: 275 Psychic
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 32
Range: 20
Cooldown: 8
Training: Raina
icon_3441.png 75 But I Love You 3 Attempt to make the target feel so guilty that they don't use their full strength. (Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency.) Target's attacks deal -25% damage for 30 seconds. Damage: 392 Psychic
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 53
Range: 20
Cooldown: 15
Training: Helena Veilmoor
Training: Raina
Training: Suspicious Cow
icon_2116.png 75 Pep Talk 6 Give yourself or an ally a quick pep-talk to overcome their grievous injuries.
This is a Major Heal
Restore: 200 Health Power Cost: 45
Range: 20
Cooldown: 30
Training: Raina
icon_2223.png 75 Inspire Confidence 4 Push yourself and your allies to new heights, thanks to your confident demeanor. Restore: 130 Health to you and nearby allies Power Cost: 53
AoE: 20
Cooldown: 30
Training: Raina
icon_2104.png 78 Cause Terror 4 Your words deal mental damage and may cause the target to run in terror. Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency. Target flees for 8 seconds
Suppresses Monster Shout
Health Dmg: 300 Psychic
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 34
Range: 20
Cooldown: 30
Training: Raina
icon_2221.png 78 Soothe 6 Say something kind that briefly catches the target off guard, causing them to lose their Rage. Health Dmg: 250 Psychic
Enemy Rage: -1300
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 29
Range: 20
Cooldown: 13
Training: Raina
icon_2220.png 80 Ridicule 5 Taunt an enemy to keep it focused on attacking you instead of someone else. Health Dmg: 224 Psychic
Taunts: 400
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 26
Range: 20
Cooldown: 7
Accuracy: +25%
Training: Raina
icon_2257.png 80 Mock 9 Tease and aggravate your enemy.
This is a Basic Attack
Health Dmg: 126 Psychic
Taunts: 195
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 0
Range: 20
Cooldown: 2
Item: Psychology: Mock 9
icon_2123.png 80 Tell Me About Your Mother 6 Convince an enemy to discuss their thoughts and fears with you instead of attacking. Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency. Target becomes mesmerized for 35 seconds, or until attacked.
Suppresses Monster Shout
Health Dmg: 1 Psychic Power Cost: 26
Range: 10
Cooldown: 30
Item: Psychology: Tell Me About Your Mother 6
icon_2222.png 82 Positive Attitude 5 Use the power of optimism to recover from your injuries.
This is a Survival-Utility ability
Restore: 110 Health
Restore: 110 Armor
Restore: 110 Power
Power Cost: 0
Range: 3
Cooldown: 60
Training: Raina
icon_3440.png 83 You Were Adopted 6 Reveal something so surprising that the target's heart briefly stops. (Only works on targets who have been recent victims of Psychoanalyze or Tell Me About Your Mother.)
This is an Epic Attack
Damage: 809 Trauma
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 110
Range: 20
Cooldown: 30
Training: Raina
icon_2116.png 85 Pep Talk 7 Give yourself or an ally a quick pep-talk to overcome their grievous injuries.
This is a Major Heal
Restore: 220 Health Power Cost: 49
Range: 20
Cooldown: 30
Item: Psychology: Pep Talk 7
icon_3044.png 85 Fast Talk 5 Explain away minor misunderstandings, causing the target to be less aggressive toward you. Damage: 1 Psychic
Taunts: -450
Power Cost: 27
Range: 10
Cooldown: 12
Item: Psychology: Fast Talk 5
icon_2124.png 86 Strike a Nerve 7 Say something cruel that plays upon the target's fears and failures, dealing psychic damage.
This is a Core Attack
Damage: 352 Psychic
Dmg to Vulnerable: 352 Psychic
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 36
Range: 20
Cooldown: 8
Item: Psychology: Strike a Nerve 7
icon_2118.png 87 Psychoanalyze 7 You attempt to unravel the target's rage, making it more difficult for them to use their Rage attacks. (Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency.)
This is a Signature Debuff ability
Target needs 50% more Rage to fill their Rage Meter. Damage: 421 Psychic
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 59
Range: 10
Cooldown: 30
Item: Psychology: Psychoanalyze 7
icon_2221.png 88 Soothe 7 Say something kind that briefly catches the target off guard, causing them to lose their Rage. Health Dmg: 303 Psychic
Enemy Rage: -1500
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 32
Range: 20
Cooldown: 13
Item: Psychology: Soothe 7
icon_2223.png 90 Inspire Confidence 5 Push yourself and your allies to new heights, thanks to your confident demeanor. Restore: 150 Health to you and nearby allies Power Cost: 61
AoE: 20
Cooldown: 30
Item: Psychology: Inspire Confidence 5
icon_2257.png 90 Mock 10 Tease and aggravate your enemy.
This is a Basic Attack
Health Dmg: 151 Psychic
Taunts: 215
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 0
Range: 20
Cooldown: 2
Item: Psychology: Mock 10
icon_2220.png 94 Ridicule 6 Taunt an enemy to keep it focused on attacking you instead of someone else. Health Dmg: 289 Psychic
Taunts: 500
Crit Chance: Phrenology
Crit Mult: 1.25
Power Cost: 29
Range: 20
Cooldown: 7
Accuracy: +30%
Item: Psychology: Ridicule 6
icon_2222.png 94 Positive Attitude 6 Use the power of optimism to recover from your injuries.
This is a Survival-Utility ability
Restore: 130 Health
Restore: 130 Armor
Restore: 130 Power
Power Cost: 0
Range: 3
Cooldown: 60
Item: Psychology: Positive Attitude 6
icon_2116.png 95 Pep Talk 8 Give yourself or an ally a quick pep-talk to overcome their grievous injuries.
This is a Major Heal
Restore: 240 Health Power Cost: 54
Range: 20
Cooldown: 30
Item: Psychology: Pep Talk 8