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Latest revision as of 16:02, 28 September 2021


Undead are being summoned into town! Defeat the undead ogres in New Town and find the death-faces in the Sprawl!

(To receive a reward, make sure that you personally help defeat at least one Visage of Demise or Elite enemy.)

This Quest can be repeated after 0 days.

This quest is only available at night.


Undead are being summoned into town! Defeat the undead ogres in New Town and find the death-faces in the Sprawl!

(To receive a reward, make sure that you personally help defeat at least one Visage of Demise or Elite enemy.)


  • Defeat Ghostly Ogres x25
  • Defeat Ratkin Necromancers x25
  • Defeat Visages of Demise x10
  • (Personally defeat an enemy)


