From Project: Gorgon Wiki
This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.
Pages in category "Quests"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,150 total.
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- A Bench For Writing
- A Brighter Glow
- A Crate of Oranges
- A Crop of Onions
- A Delicious Stuffed Bell Pepper
- A great guest chair
- A great new calligraphy bench
- A great new stool
- A great new storage solution
- A Kick In The Whiskers
- A Little Guidance Goes A Long Way
- A Message For Willem
- A New Life
- A Nice Stool
- A Ratkin Talisman for Daniel
- A Scray Stinger
- A Secret Type of Skeleton
- A Soothing Balm
- A Stencil to Make Runes
- A Substitute for the Horn Bow
- A Weighty Repair
- Accursed Frost Pigeons
- Guild:Afraid of The Circus (10-person)
- Guild:Afraid of The Circus (25-person)
- Guild:Afraid of The Circus (50-person)
- Agates for Jewelry
- Agrashab's Bounty: Basilisk Controllers
- Agrashab's Bounty: Fire Droaches
- Agrashab's Bounty: Phoenices
- Agrashab's Bounty: Shocking Droaches
- Agrashab's Bounty: Winter War-Trolls
- All The Fish You Could Want
- Amutasa Needs To Stop Working Faster
- Amutasa Wants To Work Faster
- Amutasa's Metal
- An amazing new calligraphy bench
- An amazing new chair
- An amazing new cleaning stick
- An amazing new stool
- An Experiment Involving Rats
- Analyzing Antler
- Analyzing Chitin
- Angling: Baby Slugs Need Help!
- Angling: Frozen... For Now
- Angling: Ghost Bass
- Angling: Invasive Species
- Angling: Junk Removal
- Angling: Killer Starfish
- Angling: Old Dreadtooth
- Angling: Poison Slug Infestation
- Angling: Scray Overpopulation
- Angling: The Overgrown Clownfish
- Angling: The Scary Pike
- Angling: Too Many Frogs
- Angling: Toxic Blooms
- Angling: Unnaturally Cold Waters
- Angling: Vicious Eels
- Anomalous Fire Sheep
- Answers for Shirogin
- Anti-Lycanthropy Potion
- Apple Juice (Quest)
- Aquamarine Dye for Shirogin
- Aquamarine Gems for Solgribue
- Arrowhead Delivery
- Arrows for the Occasion
- Artisanal hogsheads
- Attacking Ranalon Farms
- Aurest Mission: Claudia's Hoard
- Aurest Mission: Gazluk Assassination
- Aurest Mission: Gazluk's Dark Basement
- Aurest Mission: Labyrinth Chests
- Aurest Mission: Rahu Sewers
- Aurest Mission: Wintertide Assault
- Aurest Mission: Wintertide Sabotage
- Auto-Clamp Safety Blanket
- Bacon for Joeh
- Bad Memory Fixer
- Bad Memory Potion
- Bananas!
- Bandage for Blanche
- Bandage The Soul
- Barghest Hunt
- Barghest Snouts
- Barghests Loose
- Bear Gallbladders for Ashk
- Bear Massacre
- Bear Meat Swirlers
- Beautiful Beaker Bits
- Beneath the Red Crystal
- Better Chairs
- Better Cheese Needed
- Better Hammer Wraps
- Better Lac than Lac?
- Better Lac Than Lac?
- Better Skulls Needed
- Black Foot Morels for Hemmit
- Blanche Needs Acid
- Blanche Wants a Shroom
- Blanche Wants A Spoon
- Blankets From Ghosts
- Blasted Vines
- Blinding Wasp Removal
- Blood Portal Closed (Eltibule)
- Blood Portal Closed (Sun Vale)
- Bloody Bandages
- Boar Tusks For Bardic Lore
- Bogaku's Lost Notebook
- Bone Meal (Quest)
- Bones For Inspection
- Brain Bug Infestation
- Brains For Drugs
- Breaded Perch with Onions (Quest)
- Brukal Must Die
- Cabbage Time
- Camembert
- Cantaloupe for Breakfast
- Care Package from Rahu
- Carnelians for Urzab
- Carnivine Teeth
- Casino Excursion: Dark Chapel
- Casino Excursion: Ice Caves
- Casino Excursion: Winter Nexus
- Casino Excursion: Wolf Caves
- Cave Fishing
- Cave Mummies
- Cavefish Supper (Quest)
- Chasing Dalvos to Eltibule
- Check In On Gribburn
- Check In On Malgath
- Check In On Poe
- Check In On Syndra
- Checking In On Lumpfuzz
- Checking In On Norbert
- Checking In On The Suspicious Cow
- Checking In On Trekker
- Cheddar of Friendship
- Cheer Up Riger
- Cheese For Reasons
- Cheese Run
- Cheese Testing
- Chicken Casserole (Quest)
- Cinnabar for Jewelry
- Citrus For Tyler
- Cleanse Sun Vale
- Cleanup Duty: Gallimimuses
- Cleanup Duty: Triceratops
- Clearing the Ranalon Temple
- Cleo's Lost Books
- Cocktails for Thimble Pete
- Cold Iron Shackles (Quest)
- Collect Apples
- Collect Eels
- Collect Giant Snail Shells
- Collecting Keg Orders
- Confronting Tal-Saka
- Confronting Urzab
- Contacting Melandria's Brother
- Convince Leonard
- Convince Ultashk to Help
- Corey Wants Ogre Stomachs
- Corey Wants Wings
- Cottage Pie (Quest)
- Cotton For Dresses
- Cotton Pickin'
- Counter-Exterminate the Orcs
- Crab Soup
- Cranium Cure: Brain Bug Lobes
- Cranium Cure: Willpower Gel
- Cranium Powder (Quest)
- Crazed Animals Subdued
- Cream for Potatoes
- Creating Fairy Chimes (GROUP)
- Cress Paper
- Cross-Pollination
- Damned Dinosaurs
- Dangerous Weeds
- Darker Than Dark
- Deadly Yellow Crystals
- Deer In The Crypt
- Deer Meat
- Defeat Bleddyn
- Defeat the Wolf Trial
- Delivering Phlogiston to Makara
- Deluxe Beetle Skewer (Quest)
- Dinner For Zeratak
- Dinosaur Scales For Therese
- Dirty Snow Water (Quest)
- Disguising Fox Outpost
- Disguising Fox Outpost, pt 2
- Dissolution of Cave Snails
- Distracting the Ranalon
- Druid: Arising From The Sands
- Druid: Droach Invasion
- Druid: Flowers of Desecration