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2,960 bytes added, 11:29, 8 September 2015
Edit to leveling learned ability list undone, information redistributed
As you level your Lycanthropy, you will learn the following abilities:{| {{:Werewolf AbilitiesSTDT|sortable}}!Ability Name!Description!Damage Type!Level|-| Claw || Claw your enemy. || Slashing || 0|-| Bite || Bite your enemy. || Crushing || 2|-| Pack Attack || Bite your enemy. If other werewolves Pack Attack the same target within a few seconds, they deal extra damage (+15). || Crushing || 3|-| Pouncing Rake || Claw your enemy. If their armor is depleted, also stuns them for 3 seconds. || Slashing || 5|-| Howl || Howl to raise your spirits. Boosts your in-combat health and power regeneration for 10 seconds. When used out of combat, engages the Howl skill. || N/A || 7|-| Bite 2 || Bite your enemy. || Crushing || 10|-| Claw 2 || Claw your enemy. || Slashing || 15|-| Pack Attack 2 || Bite your enemy. If other werewolves Pack Attack the same target within a few seconds, they deal extra damage (+20). || Crushing || 20|-| Pouncing Rake 2 || Claw your enemy. If their armor is depleted, also stuns them for 3 seconds. || Slashing || 25|-| Bite 3 || Bite your enemy. || Crushing || 28|-| Claw 3 || Claw your enemy. || Slashing || 30|-| Howl 2 || Howl to raise your spirits. Boosts your in-combat health and power regeneration for 10 seconds. When used out of combat, engages the Howl skill. || N/A || 35|-| Pack Attack 3 || Bite your enemy. If other werewolves Pack Attack the same target within a few seconds, they deal extra damage (+30). || Crushing || 40|-| Pouncing Rake 3 || Claw your enemy. If their armor is depleted, also stuns them for 3 seconds. || Slashing || 45|-| Bite 4 || Bite your enemy. || Crushing || 46|-| Claw 4 || Claw your enemy. || Slashing || 48|-| Howl 3 || Howl to raise your spirits. Boosts your in-combat health and power regeneration for 10 seconds. When used out of combat, engages the Howl skill. || N/A || 50|}
| Incitement || Howl + Pouncing Rake + Claw + Bite || Last attack will deal extra damage and hit all targets within 10 meters || 5 || Gauntlets
* NOTE: If you have the same combo available from several pieces of gear, regardless of them being different or the same levels, performing it will trigger the combo multiple times (as many as times you have it). It's not certain if this is intended or not, although it has been reported.
* While not a combo itself, it has to be noted you can get the ability to turn your Bite skill into aoe through a gear effect from gauntlets. This also turns certain combos, like Fireteeth and Savaging Blows, aoe.
==Altar of Norala==
During the full moon, werewolves may now interact with an altar placed at the entrance of the werewolf den in Kur mountains. They may use it to perform several tasks for the goddess of the hunt, which will earn them tokens they can then spend on special abilities, unlocks and boons. The tokens will only last for the duration of the full moon, and the bonuses unlocked will last until the next one, so the lycans can get themselves nearly a month long boosts that will affect both their beast and humanoid forms.
(More detailed list of tasks and bonuses to come on the next full moon)
{| {{STDT|sortable}}
!Ability Name
| Hunting Speed || Increase your wolfen sprint speed while out of combat. You gain 5 sprint speed for 30 seconds or until you enter combat. || 1
| Hunting Speed 2 || Increase your wolfen sprint speed while out of combat. You gain 8 sprint speed for 30 seconds or until you enter combat. || 1
| Hunting Speed 3 || Increase your wolfen sprint speed while out of combat. You gain 12 sprint speed for 30 seconds or until you enter combat. || 1
* NOTE: If you have the same combo available from several pieces of gear, regardless of them being different or the same levels, performing it will trigger the combo multiple times (as many as times you have it). It's not certain if this is intended or not, although it has been reported.
* While not a combo itself, it has to be noted you can get the ability to turn your Bite skill into aoe through a gear effect from gauntlets. This also turns certain combos, like Fireteeth and Savaging Blows, aoe.

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