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! style="background:#f5e0c7; color:#000000; border-radius:2px; width:100px;" align="center" {{pipe}} Beast Speak:
{{pipe}} <div class="block2" style="color:#ffffff;">{{{beastspeak}}}</div>
{{ #if:{{{beastlist|}}}|{{pipe}}- valign="top"
! style="background:#f5e0c7; color:#000000; border-radius:2px; width:100px;" align="center" {{pipe}} -Speaks to:
{{pipe}} <div class="block2" style="color:#ffffff;">{{{beastlist}}}</div>
{{NPC infobox
|title =|caption =|zone =|location =|anatomy =|beastspeak =|skilltrainer =|vendor =
{{NPC infobox
|title =|image =|caption =|zone =|town =|location =|wanders =|anatomy =|beastspeak =|beastlist =|skilltrainer =|vendor =
:Optional. Used to list the Anatomy type the NPC falls into.
:Optional. Animals that the NPC will talk to, if any. Answer Yes if they speak to any type of Beast Form. Do Leave blank if they do not specify speak to animals.;beastlist:Optional. Only use if beastspeak is Yes. Specify which forms they speak to in the infobox. Leave blank if they do not speak to animals.
:Optional. Use to show if NPC can train a player in a skill. See below for example use.