Added conversations, details.
|title = Ashk the Answerer
|image = [[File:Ashk.jpg|300px]]
|caption = ..He's examining a piece of entrail.
|zone = Rahu
|location = Near the main entrance.
|consignment = Yes
{{Quote|source=[[Ashk]]|''He's examining a piece A visiting goblin taught me the basics of entrailshamanism, and I knew at once that it could be combined with the power of the mind. After years of experimentation, I am proud to say that it works! I can read the future! Of course, I can only read the very near future right now...''but some day I shall be able to auger years into the future
[[Ashk]] is a Rakshasa soothsayer and merchant in [[Rahu]]. With appropriate favor, and unless you're already under the effect of one of the [[Soothsaying|soothsaying]] recipes, he will offer the following dialogue.
== Conversations ==
I read the future from different body parts depending on what seems most important at the time. Bones help augur safety, while a nice heart can help foresee whether you will find great treasures. A horn can ensure that you learn more from your lessons... and so forth.}}