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== Shrine of Ri-Shin ==
The '''Shrine of Ri-Shin''' is an anchor of the god of plants and trees. Maintained primarily by [[Snowleaf]] and the Druids of [[Alharth]], the shrine offers rewards to those who seek the bounty of [[Ri-Shin]].
{| class="sortable" border="1" style="background-color: #c9b89f; border: 1px solid black; border-collapse:collapse; text-align:center;" cellpadding="3"! style="background-color: #a99679" | Task #! style="background-color: #a99679" | Items Required! style="background-color: #a99679" | Unlocked Reward! style="background-color: #a99679" | Visual change|- | 1 || 10,000 Wood (any type) || Hot Spring Warmth || Spring activated, providing warmth.|- | 2 || 25,000 {{Item|Beet}} || Forest Armor (+20 Max Armor, 60:00) || Blue light activated.|- | 3 || 50,000 {{Item|Cotton}} || Forest Power (+20 Max Power, 60:00) || Green light activated.|- | 4 || 5,000 {{Item|Grapes}} || Forest Health (+20 Max Health, 60:00) || Orange light activated.|- | 5 || 10,000 {{Item|Corn}} || Forest Armor (+40 Max Armor, 60:00)|| Western totem activated.|- | 6 || 10,000 Flowers (any type) || ???|| ___ totem activated.|- | 7 || ??? || ??? || ___ totem activated.|- | 8 || ??? || ??? || ???|- | 9 || ??? || ??? || ???|}
== Tree Decorating ==
Ten undecorated Ri-Shin trees can be discovered across [[Alharth]], usually in areas populated by friendly NPCs. An NPC near each tree, usually wearing a red Ri-Shin hat, will automatically give out a quest associated with the decorating of their tree. Adventurers must continue to speak to the NPC, accepting additional quests from their '''Do Favor''' menu to actually complete the tree.
Once a tree is fully decorated, a present will appear under it. For the rest of the event, a new present will appear under each completed tree. The respawn time for a present is sixteen hours.
===== Special Ri-Shin Tree Gifts =====
; Equipment of level similar to highest equipment dropped by a creature in that area.