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Project: Gorgon Wiki β


Goblin Shockmaster

483 bytes added, 00:21, 12 January 2021
Reported Loot: Updating loot.
|{{Item|Metal Claw}}
|{{Item|Good First Aid Kit}}
|{{Item|Simple Armor Patch Kit}}
|{{Item|Good Armor Patch Kit}}
|{{Item|Armor Potion Extreme}}
|{{Item|Healing Potion Extreme}}
|{{Item|Power Potion Extreme}}
|{{Item|Brass Gear}}
|{{Item|Tin Gear}}
|{{Item|Red Game Chip}}
|{{Item|Stunning Painting}}
|{{Item|Shoddy Forgery}}
|{{Item|Goblin Breastplate}}
|{{Item|Goblin Leggings}}
|{{Item|Goblin Gloves}}
|{{Item|Ring of Arrows}}
|{{Item|Amulet of Competent Lycanthropy}}
|{{Item|Belt of The Wraith}}
|{{Item|Goblin Cutlass}}
|{{Item|Goblin Dirk}}
|{{Item|Unidentified Poetry Book}}