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1,937 bytes added, 13:13, 29 March 2022
Conversations: Added conversation.
== Conversations ==
{{Quote|source=[[Jesina]] - When sent by [[Oritania]]|
Hello. What are you handing me?! Wait. This looks like a Nexus Adjunct Matter Aligner. This is illegal under the [[Winter Queen]]'s rule, you know. And it's incredibly dangerous! Why did you give it to me?!
;I need help making this device work.
Wait, you mean you want to assemble it correctly? Because it's not supposed to rattle like this when you shake it.
Wait. Do you even know what this is?
;Someone I'm chasing used it to teleport.
Aha, you're chasing a fairy. Who are you hunting? And what court are they in? And don't lie to me!
;I think he's an elf, not a fairy. His name is [[Dalvos]].
Dalvos? You mean the guy that the mantis-folk worship as their creator god?
;That sounds like it might be him, yes.
So this Dalvos elf has figured out how to use fairy technology. This is used in the nexus -- you know, the nexus between our worlds? This device lets you change the destination of an exit portal.
;How does it work?
Well, you just stick it on a portal in the nexus and it changes where the portal goes to. That's it!
But you can only change the destination by a few hundred miles at best. And there has to be a similar setup at the new destination. Portals can't just go any random place!
;So Dalvos must have had a pre-planned destination?
Yeah. Which means you could be walking into a trap! If the portal is even still open. He could have closed the other end.
And you'll nee to figure out how to get into the nexus. You can't just wander in. You'd need a key.
;Well, firs things first. Can you fix the device?
Me?! Definitely not. Sarina could, though! And I'm sure she'd be willing to help you.
She's asleep right now. I'll give it to her when she wakes up. It'll probably be ready tomorrow, so why don't you stop by for tea tomorrow evening? Sie makes delicious biscuits. And Sarina can explain what you need to know!
;Okay. I'll talk to you and Sarina soon!

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