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16 bytes added, 04:57, 9 March 2018
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== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Overview==
A [[Lycanthropy|Lycanthrope]]'s [[Beast Forms|Beast form ]] makes for a very powerful animal form. '''You'll be able to change to and from it at will''', with the following limitations:
* You may become a wolf at any given moment, but your beast spirit will resist turning back to humanoid form until you've killed enough enemies (the higher your level, the less kills you'll require). Currently, level 60 lycanthropes may turn to and from wolf form without having to shed any blood.
* During the full moon, you will be forcefully turned into your beast form, and won't be able to turn back until it's all over. This happens once every lunar month, matching the RL moon cycles, for the three first days of it straight.

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