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Lumber for Campsite Repairs

1,853 bytes added, 22:05, 16 May 2017
Added quest.
[[Fluffikins]] in [[Gazluk]] said, "I'm supposed to be in charge of the campsite, which is why the jealous humans ''constant'' slack off to make me look bad. I keep telling them to repair these stalls so they're ready for the heavier snows to come. So they head off to gather wood, and then come back empty-handed. "Chased by a bear" or "bit by a slime"... always some excuse so they don't have to work. Can you help me? We need spruce."
To start this quest, talk to '''[[Fluffikins]]''' in '''[[Gazluk]]'''. The quest is available at {{Favor|Neutral}} favor.
<!-- This text is what the quest giver says in the dialog window when they give the quest. Place that text in the quote. For a series of dialog, add lines for the text the quest giver says, and use '''bold''' lines for the player responses. -->
I'm supposed to be in charge of the campsite, which is why the jealous humans ''constant'' slack off to make me look bad. I keep telling them to repair these stalls so they're ready for the heavier snows to come. So they head off to gather wood, and then come back empty-handed. "Chased by a bear" or "bit by a slime"... always some excuse so they don't have to work. Can you help me? We need spruce.
* Obtain {{Item|Spruce Wood}} x3 {{Hint| Spruce Wood can be found in Gazluk and the Kur Mountains. }}
* Talk to Fluffikins

Thank you! Now I just have to harrass the humans into doing the repairs. What I wouldn't give for hands so I could do the work myself! But I digress. You've proven very resourceful! Here is a token of my... and my master's... appreciation.

<!-- Add items received upon quest completion. Use {{Item}} template for items. Link XP in skills.-->
* 50 [[favor]]
* {{Item|Vervadium}} x1
