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Item Icons Guide

Revision as of 12:41, 29 April 2016 by Rehv (talk | contribs) (ADD MOAR HERE)
32x32 pixels, 8 Bit PNG.

As of writing, I recommend to watch this page to notice more easily when other people add new icons.

Uploading New Icons

  • In-game icons are 32x32 pixels exact replica from NPC's shop or your inventory. Unequip items to remove the red border!
  • File name MUST be in the form Item-icon-xxxxxx.png. For example Item-icon-amethyst.png.
  • Use a short generic label for generic and common icons. For example:
    • Use "book" not "Fire Magic: Introductory Research" since most skill teaching books have the same book icon.
    • Use "seeds" not "dahliaseeds" since most seeds in-game have the same icon.
  • In alpha there are no icons that need more than 256 color. Save the SMALLEST file size , 8 bit PNG.
  • Please document any new icons below, otherwise kittens die!!

Usage Notes

Using an icon

Always use the template if possible instead of the mediawiki image code!

{{icon|<icon name>}}

Icon size

Use the size parameter, for example here is Firstaid a 16x16 First Aid Kit.

{{icon|<icon name>|size=16px}}

Other uses

Existing Icons

In bold below is the icon name to use with Template:vendor table row.

Basic Gear

Basicsword basicsword
Basicboots basicboots
Basicpants basicpants
Basicbreastplate basicbreastplate
Basicgloves basicgloves
Basichelm basichelm
Basicshield basicshield
Basicstaff basicstaff
Basicknuckles basicknuckles
Belt belt (ALL Lucky Belts)
Basicclaw basicclaw

Common Vendor Utilities

Firstaid firstaid (First Aid Kits)
Patchkit patchkit (Armor Patch Kits)
Healthpot healthpot (Healing Potions)
Armorpot armorpot (Armor Potions)
Powerpot powerpot (Power Potions)
Genericpot genericpot (Steroid Drink & misc.potions)

Misc. Potions

Poisonpot poisonpot (Antivenom, Curatives)
Dyepot dyepot
Animalpotion animalpotion
Unanimalpotion unanimalpotion


Oakwoodchips oakwoodchips
Supershoddychair supershoddychair


Rough Tannin Powder roughtan
Decent Tannin Powder decenttan
Quality Tannin Powder qualitytan
Leatherstrip leatherstrip


Shoddy Animal Skin shoddy_animalskin
Rough Animal Skin rough_animalskin
Crude Animal Skin crude_animalskin
Decent Animal Skin decent_animalskin (Crude & Decent skin)
Nice Animal Skin nice_animalskin
Quality Animal Skin quality_animalskin


Nails nails (Simple Nails)


Potato potato
Onion Seedling onionseedling
Beetseedling beetseedling
Cabbage cabbage
Squashseedling squashseedling
Strawberry strawberry
Broccoli broccoli
Carrot carrot


Bluebell bluebell
Red Aster red Aster
Poppy poppy
Dahlia dahlia
Pansy pansy
Violet violet
Red Rose red Rose

Research Books, Recipes, ...

Recipe recipe
Scroll scroll (Word Game, Goblinese...)
Book book (ALL books, eg. skill books)
Parchment parchment (ALL Parchment)
Ink ink (ALL kinds of Ink)

Instruments & Tools

Autopsykit autopsykit
Knife knife (Butcher Knife)
Gemcrusher gemcrusher
Handsaw handsaw
Lute lute (Classic Lute)
Skinningknife skinningknife (Skinning Knife)

Art & Antiques

Painting painting
Bronzecoin bronzecoin
Silvercoin silvercoin
Goldcoin goldcoin
Lostcurrency lostcurrency

Beast Forms

Horseshoe horseshoe (Cow/Pig/Deer shoes)


Icecore icecore (Inkstone & Ice Core)
Antler antler
Cateyeball cateyeball
Mantisclaw mantisclaw
Snailshell snailshell
Grass grass
Pigsnout pigsnout


Apple apple
Grape grape
Guava guava
Orange orange


Crab crab
Clownfish clownfish
Grapefish grapefish
Perch perch
Eel eel
Shark shark
Cavefish cavefish
Fishscales fishscales


Perchfillet perchfillet
Rawchicken rawchicken
Venison venison
Clownfishfillet clownfishfillet
Crabmeat crabmeat
Porkshoulder porkshoulder
Cheapmeat cheapmeat
Mutton mutton


Banana potato (Lemon, Potato)
Beet beet
Empty Bottle bottle (Empty Bottle)
Bottle of Water water (bottle)
Butter butter
Flour flour
Bottle of Milk milk (Bottle of Milk)
Onion onion
Onioncubes onioncubes
Oregano oregano
Pumpkin pumpkin
Salt salt
Squash squash
Sugar sugar

Fire Magic Research

Fire Dust firedust
Sulfur sulfur
Saltpeter saltpeter

Cooking & Cheesemaking

Bacon bacon

Metal Slabs

Basicslab basicslab
Simpleslab simpleslab
Goodslab goodslab
Expertslab expertslab
Masterworkslab masterworkslab


Redwallcrystal redwallcrystal
Amethyst amethyst
Bluespinel bluespinel
Fluorite fluorite
Lapislazuli lapislazuli
Obsidian obsidian
Aquamarine aquamarine
Bloodstone bloodstone
Malachite malachite
Peridot peridot
Tourmaline tourmaline
Tsavorite tsavorite
Diamond diamond
Quartz quartz
Onyx onyx
Agate agate
Mossagate mossagate
Moonstone moonstone
Carnelian carnelian
Citrine citrine
Garnet garnet
Topaz topaz
Sardonyx sardonyx
Serpentine serpentine

Ilmari Gemstones

Ruby ruby
Sapphire sapphire
Tigerseye tigerseye
Turquoise turquoise
Danburite danburite
Emerald emerald
Goshenite goshenite
Morganite morganite
Opal opal


None none (undefined icon)
Spleen Spleen (Rotten Meat, Spleen)