Dinosaur Anatomy

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Dinosaur Anatomy
Knowledge of the physiology of dinosaurs. This skill also covers birds, which are descended from dinosaurs, and dragons, which are descended from birds.
Skill Type:
Anatomy Skills
Max Level:
Skill Trainers:


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Dinosaur Anatomy Overview

Dinosaur Anatomy is a sub-skill of Anatomy that explores the physiology of dinosaurs, dragons, and birds.

In-Game Description

Knowledge of the physiology of dinosaurs. This skill also covers birds, which are descended from dinosaurs, and dragons, which are descended from birds.

Known Creatures





Dinosaur Anatomy Level Up Rewards

Level [Expand] Reward
1 +1 to Anatomy
Basic Combat Info Shown
5 More Combat Info Shown
6 Butchering yields extra bones: +2%
7 Skinning yields exotic items: +2%
8 Archery/Crossbow chance of critical hit: +1%
9 Butchery yields rare meat or organs: +3%
10 Skinning yields a trophy skin: +1%
12 Butchering yields extra bones: +2% (total 4%)
14 Skinning yields exotic items: +2% (total 4%)
15 +1 to Anatomy
16 Archery/Crossbow chance of critical hit: +1% (total 2%)
18 Butchery yields rare meat or organs: +3% (total 6%)
Butchery yields extra bones: +2% (total 6%)
20 Skinning yields a trophy skin: +1% (total 2%)
21 Skinning yields exotic items: +2% (total 6%)
24 Archery/Crossbow chance of critical hit: +1% (total 3%)
Butchery yields extra bones: +2% (total 8%)
25 +1 to Anatomy
More Combat Info Shown
27 Butchery yields rare meat or organs: +3% (total 9%)
28 Skinning yields exotic items: +2% (total 8%)
30 Skinning yields a trophy skin: +1% (total 3%)
Butchery yields extra bones: +2% (total 10%)
32 Archery/Crossbow chance of critical hit: +1% (total 4%)
35 Skinning yields exotic items: +2% (total 10%)
36 Butchery yields rare meat or organs: +3% (total 12%)
Butchery yields extra bones: +2% (total 12%)
40 Skinning yields a trophy skin: +1% (total 4%)
Archery/Crossbow chance of critical hit: +1% (total 5%)
42 Skinning yields exotic items: +2% (total 12%)
Butchery yields extra bones: +2% (total 14%)
45 +1 to Anatomy
Butchery yields rare meat or organs: +3% (total 15%)
48 Archery/Crossbow chance of critical hit: +1% (total 6%)
Butchery yields extra bones: +2% (total 16%)
49 Skinning yields exotic items: +2% (total 14%)
50 More Combat Info Shown; Skinning yields a trophy skin: +1% (total 5%)