Template:Gear table row

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Revision as of 17:48, 21 January 2015 by BetaNotus (talk | contribs)
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|- | style="text-align:left;width:40px;" | None | style="text-align:left;" | Item name | style="text-align:left;white-space:nowrap;" | Base Stat(s) | style="text-align:left;white-space:nowrap;" | Base Value


{{gear table row
 | item =
 | icon = 
 | base stat =
 | base value = 


The item name
Optional. If not provided, a generic "empty" icon base is used. If abc is provided, item-icon-abc.png is used.
CHECK Item Icons Guide FOR AVAILABLE ICONS before uploading any new ones!
base stat
The base stat/enchantment for the item.
base value
The base value of the item.


Create a row for item sets, such as the Equipment Stat page. This will help with adding icons and maintaining consistency across many tables. This table shares features with Template:Vendor_table_row.


Many generic icons can be used for a variety of items! See Item Icons Guide for all available icons.

{{vendor table row
 | item = Basic Boots
 | icon = basicboots
 | base stat = +12 Armor
 | base value = 42