Guild:Reclaiming Lydia (10-person)

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Percy Evans in Eltibule said, "I need you to help me reincarnate Lydia. Her soul is still trapped in this bauble you retrieved for me, but I think I can get her a new body. How? Well... don't ask me how I got a hold of this ritual, because that would make you sad. Instead, just help me bring her back! I need some very specific ingredients. Lord Eltibule is buried with one part. The other parts might be harder to find... but you're resourceful, you can do it!"


To start this quest, talk to Percy Evans in Eltibule. You must have previously completed Guild: Storming the Nexus (10-person) in order to undertake this quest.


I need you to help me reincarnate Lydia. Her soul is still trapped in this bauble you retrieved for me, but I think I can get her a new body. How? Well... don't ask me how I got a hold of this ritual, because that would make you sad. Instead, just help me bring her back! I need some very specific ingredients. Lord Eltibule is buried with one part. The other parts might be harder to find... but you're resourceful, you can do it!


  • Give Lord Eltibule's Signet Ring to Percy
  • Give Dragon Scales to Percy x10
  • Give Prisms to Percy x20
  • Talk to Percy Evans



Good. That's all of the ingredients. Now I have some deals to make. I'll complete the ritual when the moon is right. Come visit me later and I'll let you know how it went. You should be proud: you and your friends are lifesavers, literally! Hopefully...

  • 100 Guild XP
  • 10 Guild Credits