
From Project: Gorgon Wiki
Revision as of 14:30, 10 April 2024 by BetaNotus (talk | contribs) (List of Redeemable Bundles)
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The /Redeem command allows players to receive bundles of items created by the Developers.

Prior to the March 25, 2021 Game Update, typing the /redeem command would report available bundles in chat. After the update, a Redemptions window was introduced. This window can also be accessed through the Persona window.

List of Redeemable Bundles

Steam 6th Anniversary Gift Pack
March 20, 2024 -> April 30, 2024.
Available once per account.
"Redeem this to claim some unique goodies to celebrate our 6th year on Steam. (IMPORTANT: One Redeem per account)."
"Steamed 2024" title.
x1, x10, x50, Live Event Credit x6.
December 13, 2023 -> January 12, 2024.
Available once per account.
"This is the 400th published build of Project: Gorgon! As a thank you for reading the patch notes, use the command /400 in chat to receive a dumb title."
"400th Time's the Charm" title.
Harvest Season
December 1, 2023 -> December 31, 2023.
Available once per account.
"Redeem this item to claim your explosive holiday gift!"
Summer Sales 2023 - Week 4
July 20, 2022 -> July 27, 2023.
Available once per account.
"Get some free stuff during the fourth week of our Summer Sales 2023! (Can redeem once per account)."
x5, x3, , Live Event Credit x2
Summer Sales 2023 - Week 3
July 13, 2022 -> July 20, 2023.
Available once per account.
"Get some free stuff during the third week of our Summer Sales 2023! (Can redeem once per account)."
x5, x5, x5, x5, Live Event Credit x2
Summer Sales 2023 - Week 2
July 6, 2022 -> July 13, 2023.
Available once per account.
"Get some free stuff during the second week of our Summer Sales 2023! (Can redeem once per account)."
x5, x3, Live Event Credit x2
Summer Sales 2023 - Week 1
June 29, 2022 -> July 6, 2023.
Available once per account.
"Get some free stuff during the first week of our Summer Sales 2023! (Can redeem once per account)."
 ???, Live Event Credit x2
Steam 5th Anniversary Gift Pack
March 11, 2023 -> April 30, 2023.
Available once per account.
"Redeem this to claim some unique goodies to celebrate our 5th year on Steam."
"Steamed 2023" title.
, x10, x50, 5 Live Event Credit.
Ri-Shin 2022 Gift Package
December 7, 2022 -> December 31, 2022.
Available once per account.
"Redeem this to claim five free Live Event Credits and a sweet treat! (IMPORTANT: One redeem per account, so choose which character gets it wisely!)
5 Live Event Credits.
Limited Edition Vanity Pet
October 11, 2022 -> November 30, 2022.
Available once per account.
"Redeem this to claim your Limited Edition Ice Hen from the 2022 VIP Challenge! This redeem is only available for a limited time, don't delay! (Important: One redeem per account).
Grants access to Ice Hen Cosmetic Pet.
Steam 4th Anniversary Gift Pack
March 11, 2022 -> April 30, 2022.
Available once per account.
"Steamed 2022" title.
, x10, x50
Mount Preview Testing Pack
February 2, 2022 -> April 1, 2022.
Available once per account.
"Basic tack sent! (If you need more basic tack for other characters, you can buy it from Pasha in Amulna."
, , ,
Ri-Shin 2021 Gift Package
December 15, 2021 -> December 31, 2021
Available once per account.
5x Live Event Credit
March 25th, 2021 -> April 30th, 2021
Available once per account.
"Redeem this to claim a unique title for experiencing our brand new animation system and its brand new bugs!"
"Animated" Title.
Steam 3rd Anniversary Gift
March 25th, 2021 -> April 30th, 2021
Available once per account.
"Redeem this to claim some unique goodies to celebrate our 3rd year on Steam."
"Steamed 2021" Title.
December 31, 2019 -> January 2, 2020.
Available once per account.
"Redeem this to claim some New Years party supplies."
DevGift 2019
December 20, 2019 -> ???
Available once per account.
"Redeem this present to receive a unique title and some XP Potions."
"Patient Hero" title
December 20, 2019 -> ???
Available once per account.
"Accounts made prior to January 1, 2017 can claim this novelty title along with some gambling tokens."
"Grizzled Geezer" title

Available to winners of the Steam Screenshot Contest.
June 2018 -> ???
Available once on winning accounts.
"Includes rare dyes, a cake, a VIP token, and loot keys"
One per Account
January 3rd, 2016 -> February, 2016.
Available to all accounts created before January 3rd, 2016.
"Party Supplies"
One per Account
January 3rd, 2016 -> June 2016.
Available to all accounts created in 2014 or earlier.
"Various items that can help you out when you get in a jam"
One per Character
January 3rd, 2016 -> March 2016.
Available to all accounts created before January 3rd, 2016 and have a Carpentry skill of 25 of higher.
" Wooden contraptions that can sell your items. Intended for testing purposes."
One per Character
January 3rd, 2016 -> March 2016.
Available to all accounts created before January 3rd, 2016 and have a Carpentry skill of 25 of higher.
" Wooden contraptions that can dispense raffle tickets for your items. Intended for testing purposes."
One Per Account
October 29th, 2016 -> December 2016
Available to all accounts.
Starving? These pickled beets will tide you over until you can get some real food!
One per Account
October 29th, 2016 -> November 2016
Available to all accounts.
Get some free Halloween Loot Chest keys!