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Errruka the Benefactor

Revision as of 23:16, 16 December 2021 by McBreezy (talk | contribs) (Winter Celebration)
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Errruka the Benefactor
A peaceful-ish Ranalon
Underwater in the northernmost Ranalon Encampment.
Beast Speak:
Offers Barter
Oh, no, I live alone, now. My clutch was killed in the great poisoning. But these guys are nice to me, so I usually hang out here during the day.

Errruka the Benefactor

Errruka the Benefactor is a Ranalon tolerant enough of other races to speak with them.


At 8:00am each morning, Errruka leaves their home, a Murky Tunnel in north-central Povus, and makes a two-hour (10 minute) trip southeast to the Ranalon Encampments. From 10:00am onwards, Errruka can be found underwater in the northern of the two encampments. This trip can take longer if conversations are held along the way.


Errruka the Benefactor purchases and sells crystals, fish, and seashells.

Items Purchased [view/edit]

Spending Limits [view/edit]

Favor Level Cap Per Item Weekly Pool
Neutral 2,500
Close Friends
Best Friends
Like Family 40,000
Soul Mates


Small Talk [view/edit]

  • Loves Live Frogs
  • Likes Remains of Deceased Scray Hint

Favor Rewards

Hang Outs


Although Errruka the Benefactor does not offer any traditional quests, they offer a task during the completion of a quest given by Gerrux.



Winter Celebration
[Friends] Favor - (L80)
[Like Family] Favor - ???


Did you know we can talk to frogs? Yeah, it's a ranalon thing. I mean, the frogs don't understand us, but we can talk to 'em.

Errruka the Benefactor

A lot of the people in this clutch have pet frogs. Most of them are responsible pet owners... but the local frog-racing scene scares me. It's super competitive, and some tadpole-brained leglings will do anything to win.

Errruka the Benefactor

Conversation if on a quest for Gerrux

Yeah, okay. I can do business with you. Just keep your weapons sheathed.
I'm looking for a special key that was thrown in the river a few years ago.
Can you be more specific?
An emerald key that was lost shortly after the river poisoning?
Oh. Well, I do have a pile of fancy keys at home. Come back tomorrow and I'll let you know what I found.
Okay, thanks!

Errruka the Benefactor

Conversations the day after speaking about Gerrux's quest

You're in luck! I did find a key that matches your description! It's a beauty too!
Of course, there's still the matter of my fee. I think for this precious thing, I couldn't go cheaper than... let's say... a black pearl.
A black pearl? But those are incredibly rare!

Errruka the Benefactor

I still have it! I'll barter it for a black pearl. I'll also give it to you if you give me 25 frogs.
"You have credit for 0.0 frogs right now."
Yes. Here's a black pearl!
This pearl is lovely! Here's your key. No trade-backs!

Errruka the Benefactor