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Sickly Giant Bat

Revision as of 14:47, 6 December 2015 by BetaNotus (talk | contribs) (Added second bat.)
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Main Page Headers Bg.png
File:Sickly Giant Bat.png
Fevered Trismus
Slashing, Piercing
Psychic, Electricity, Nature (Very)

Sickly Giant Bats are much weaker than their Angry Giant Bat brethren. They have been weakened by a disease, which they can spread to those they bite.

While not a true Curse, but a basic disease, Fevered Trismus will transform players into Giant Bats if left untreated for two hours of time.

Combat Abilities

  • Slashing Damage
  • Rage Heavy Piercing Damage and Debuff


  • Skin: Rough Skin
  • Meat: N/A
  • Skull: Animal Skull


You skin feels furry and your ears seem larger than normal. But it's probably nothing to worry about. Okay, you might want to get this checked out quickly...
This is a basic disease that can be removed with Cure Disease.

Reported Loot