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Cleo Conyer

Revision as of 21:54, 7 December 2022 by McBreezy (talk | contribs) (Winter Celebration)
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Cleo Conyer
Cleo Conyer(npc).png
Studying a book.
Beast Speak:
Hey. You look like you've had an adventure recently. Find any amazing treasures? Anything you're selling for cheap, I mean?

Cleo Conyer

Cleo Conyer is a traveling merchant who became stuck in Serbule Hills after an unfortunate encounter with the Ranalon invading the region.



Cleo Conyer makes a living reselling anything sold to her. She is willing to purchase anything, but does not have many Councils each week.

Items Purchased [view/edit]

  • Everything

Spending Limits [view/edit]

Favor Level Cap Per Item Weekly Pool
Neutral 200 1,500
Comfortable 300 3,000
Friends 450 4,500
Close Friends 500 6,000
Best Friends 600 7,500
Like Family
Soul Mates 800 10,500


Small Talk [view/edit]

Favor Rewards

Cleo Conyer does not currently have any favor rewards.

Hang Outs

Cleo Conyer does not currently offer any Hang Outs.



Winter Celebration
[Friends] Favor - (L40)
[Like Family] Favor - (L55)


You ever hear of Thentree? No? It's a little town of throwback elves. It's past Sedgewick. A real isolated group. Great customers of my traveling curiosity shop, though!

Cleo Conyer

I'm still surprised I made it out of Sedgewick Forest alive! I used some painful alchemy potions to run super fast away from the goblins. It's been a week, and my legs still hurt!

How'd you end up here?

I used to run a traveling curiosities shop. I'd stop by Thentree via Sedgewick Forest every so often. I have a system of bribes to get me past each goblin tribe. But that didn't help me this time.

Your bribes didn't work?

The goblins took their bribes like always. But the ranalon betrayed me! I paid their toll like usual, but a group of them attacked me anyway.

That's a tragic tale.

I spent years building up a rapport with the goblins. I learned some of their language just to facilitate trade! But those ranalon have ruined everything.

Now I'm stuck in a bar in the middle of nowhere, with a mediocre bard and truly terrible beer! But I have a plan?

What's your plan?

I have a little money left. The plan is that you're gonna sell me the best stuff you find, and I'll use it to rebuild my traveling curiosities shop!

You're going to make a shop based on just the stuff I sell you?
Not just you! I got some neat stuff from the bard, and a bonafide magic shield from that guy over there. I've started collecting a bunch of interesting stuff! So come on, be a pal and help me with my plan. Sell me stuff!

Cleo Conyer


  • Cleo Conyer is one a few shopkeepers who will purchase anything! This can be useful for new adventurers.