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Gazluk Clutchmaster

Revision as of 23:18, 6 April 2023 by Smorg (talk | contribs) (Given the state of the fight it feels good to mention the contradictory nature of the fight and its current status as something not even level 85 players can feasibly Do the Mechanic Of.)
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Main Page Headers Bg.png
Gazluk Clutchmaster
Gazluk Clutchmaster.png
Very Ineffective:

The Gazluk Clutchmaster is an Urak used by the Orcs of Gazluk Keep to breed more Urak.


Gazluk Keep
Vitals: Health 59334 Armor 7918 Rage 5367
Location: Found in the Southeast corner of the second floor.
Loot Level: 73


- Thousands of unfertilized Urak eggs have been injected under your flesh. They keep popping out... This is a permanent curse. You must defeat Gazluk Clutchmaster to remove it.

Combat Abilities

Boss, Thick Armor

icon_2129.png Crushing Damage
icon_2209.png Ranged Crushing Damage
Rage-icon.png icon_2209.png Heavy Burst Acid Damage over Time and Curse
Rage-icon.png icon_2209.png Heavy Ranged Acid Damage over Time x2 and Curse


Meat: None
Skull: None

Reported Loot

  •  ?


Due to a combat rebalance, the boss is probably astronomically tougher than intended, and the implicit mechanic of "take care of the eggs that spawn to avoid being overwhelmed by adds" does not work due to the durability of the adds. This is somewhat unconventional to post on the wiki, but given how devastating the curse is, an exception should be made to avoid new-to-GK players having their lives ruined by a rebalance time forgot.

The only way to survive the fight is to burn the boss as quickly as possible and then run as quickly as possible away, leashing all the adds. You probably will not get to loot the boss.