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Poetry Appreciation

Revision as of 20:09, 17 April 2016 by Cocytus (talk | contribs)

Skill in finding the meaning of poems, especially difficult and tedious ones

File:Unidentified Poetry.JPG File:Poetry 25.JPG

To learn the skill, read several level 0 poetry books or a Poetry Primer.

Poetry shares a loot table with most scrolls, and therefore has a chance of dropping from high-level mantises, faces of death, and skeleton assassins (and whatever other mobs drop scrolls). The scrolls in Under the Hand dungeon are occasionally poetry books as well. Poetry book buffs last 2 hours, and buffs of the same type (+50 armor, +100 armor, +150 armor) will overwrite with the highest valued one being used until its duration runs out rather than stacking.

Poetry counts as a craft skill for the purposes of increased crafting xp from music and dragon statues.


Poetry Name Buff Level XP
Poetry Primer None 0 500
Who Loves Mort? +50 Max Armor 0 50
Worm Food +1 Direct Damage 0 50
"Rain Dances of the Lost Tribe" +25% Psychic Mitigation 3 75
Gruzark's Chapbook +2 Direct Damage 5 10
The Magic Belt +25% Psychic Mitigation 5 75
"The Fall of Man" by Zini +2 Direct Damage 5 75
Gammo's "Legions of Stone" +25% Psychic Mitigation 10 100
"Till The Land By Moonlight" +1 Direct Damage 10 100
"Why Are There Bees" by Jim Hatcher +50% Psychic Mitigation 15 200
"Battle of Fok" +100 Max Armor 20 400
"Commentary on Slavery" +75% Psychic Mitigation 25 500
"Horse, Carry My Topaz" +75% Psychic Mitigation 30 600
"Collected Works of Gammo" +5 Direct Damage 35 750
"Sunsets" by Enst +150 Max Armor 35 750
"Kur Hauntings" by Zuk-Ghu +150 Max Armor 45 1000