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Snowblood Orcs

Revision as of 13:53, 3 March 2017 by BetaNotus (talk | contribs) (Added a page to the Register.)
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Who's Naurlok?

Naurlock's orcs, the Snowblood Orcs, have lived in the mountains for generations and didn't take kindly to the new orcs. But instead of attacking Gazluk, which I guess would have been the "honorable" thing to do, Naurlok used Gazluk City's open-door policy to recruit hundreds of their younger and more gullible orcs away.

Dwarven miner-spies say that Gazluk's subterranean tunnels are very impressive, but now they're only half-staffed, and the lower floors are unused. Their army is still very powerful, but morale isn't great.

So yeah, that ruined Gazluk for everybody. Nobody can visit without General Hashk's permission. A few trade caravans visit during the spring, but otherwise, they kill on sight.

Tell me about the Snowblood Orcs

The Snowbloods are an Orcish "distributed army." They have hundreds of troops all around Gazluk, as well as every mountain in the Kur range, and beyond. Very spread out! They're run by an orc named Naurlok. It's said that he can blow a special horn and orcs for a hundred miles will hear it, and that's how his army regroups. It's also said he's planning to take Gazluk City "soon."

Is there a way to meet Naurlok?

If there is, I don't know it. Naurlok lives in a fortress buried beneath the snow. That's all the dwarves of Aufghel know about him.

Mox Warcut