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Revision as of 12:23, 2 April 2017 by Arindor (talk | contribs) (Showing quest rewards in hint: new section)
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Showing quest rewards in hint

In my opinion, we should not show the quest rewards at the same place as quest hints on the quest giver page. Personally, I like to get an idea of what the quest involves to see if I'm ready to do that, and I don't necessarily want to have the quest spoiled by showing the reward at the same time. This is why I linked the quests, and used the hint to give an idea what was involved with the quest. The player can then decide if they are up to the challenge to gain favor etc to start the quest. Players who want to see what the reward is before they even accept the quest can use the spoiler on the quest page. I'm not sure they need to save a click at the expense of the players who don't want the spoiler.

In cases where there are no quests pages, of course there is no option but to show both (if known). But I'm all for (eventually) creating quest pages per quest. But in the case where we have the quests linked, I think we should use the policy described above.

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