The Inventory window can be resized however you want. The size of the items can be changed via Options > Gui and Windows > Inventory Item Icon Size.
Note: Additional Inventory slots can be bought from Hulon in Serbule's main town. The price increases with each slot.
The Chat Window
Slash commands are typed in the console. These always start with a forward slash, /like /this.
Chat & social
The default message mode is showed in the chat window input area. Left click it to cycle between 'GLOBAL', 'NEARBY' and 'GROUP'.
/g morning! |
Send a message on the global chat (across all game zones)
/n hello |
Talk to nearby players so they can hear you say 'hello'
/p hello |
Talk to your current group members and say 'hello'
/r hello |
Reply to whoever last talked to you with /t
/t Bob hi |
Tell player 'Bob' the message 'hi'
/incognito |
Go into (or out of) hiding from social features
/ignore |
Show all players that you're ignoring
/ignore Bob |
Ignore all communication from player 'Bob'
/unignore Bob |
Hear what Bob has to say again
/unfriend Bob |
Stop being friends with Bob
Roleplay & Emotes features
/dance 3 |
Perform interpretive dance #3 (yes, there are a few)
/music 1 |
Play musical part #1. Must be wielding an instrument
/howl |
'Soandso howls with rage'.
/jeer |
Plays a short animation.
/sit |
Your character sits. Note that this doesn't increase your regeneration rate, sorry EverQuest fans!
Misc. commands
/help |
Provides a reminder ingame of the available commands.
/roll 2d6 |
Roll two six-sided dice and announce the results
/tip Bob 100 |
Send 100 coins to player 'Bob'. Must be nearby!
/wiki something |
Search this wiki for 'something' (this will open a page in your default browser)
/who |
Show players in the same map-area as you (it is indeed area such as "AreaTutorialCave", not the full zone)
/who all |
Show all players logged in (up to 100)
Debugging & Alpha build features
/stuck |
Teleport yourself to Serbule's main town if you get stuck in the terrain
Currently documented but inactive
/laugh |
An emote documented in /help which currently does not do anything.
/read |
An emote documented in /help which currently does not do anything.
/wave |
An emote documented in /help which currently does not do anything.