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Silvonis Forum Posts

Revision as of 20:24, 28 September 2017 by BetaNotus (talk | contribs) (Added the rest of Silvonis's posts from the second forum.)
The Current Forum

The following are not all of Silvonis's posts, just those that answer important questions, not related to tech support. Please note that newer posts are listed higher in this list. Older information may be outdated.

The Second Forum

The following are not all of Silvonis's forum posts, just those that answer important questions, not related to tech support. Please note that newer posts are listed higher in this list. Older information may be outdated.

Forums Closed

Attention: These forums will be closing and will become read-only on Monday, January 9th, 2017. At that point, the new forums will become the official forums of Project: Gorgon! Please register there as soon as possible.

Birthday on new forums?

We are legally required to get that information, but it is kept private and is not shared unless you choose to make it available in your profile


We don't have an NDA and as such you are free to stream. We are listed on Twitch so you can set the game to Project: Gorgon. The only thing we do add is that we are currently in alpha and that may be relevant information for your viewers.


We use a professional CDN Distribution Network with servers located around the world. The download speed will vary depending on the person's location, their internet speed and the connection to the closest CDN server. There is nothing really to troubleshoot because we don't control the factors outside of choosing the CDN and we don't plan on changing that. Hopefully it improves for you.


It will be instanced.

Item rarity colors

As previously discussed, we will focus on this specifically as it fits within the upcoming GUI redesign. We are actively working on the new GUI, so just hang in there with us.


We are friends with the SotA team and I've been speaking with Dallas and Richard about our Project for quite some time. I discussed this with them and I'm honored to have their support!

Horse Mount

We are starting with a horse mount, but you never know what mounts we will see in the future! As for character customization, yes there will be more options for character customization. As for the last question, there are many players who've obtained currency and loot through unintended game mechanics and players are essentially twinking out their characters because they view the current level cap as max level and are stacking their characters. Once the game has been released, most players won't have stacked gear at this level as they will be moving through at the normal rate of progression.

Change the game Engine ? (No)

Thanks for your feedback, but won't be changing game engines. While we are pushing the boundaries of the Unity Engine, it's on a similar level to those that you linked. I won't be going into specifics, but changing engines wouldn't necessarily fix the issues you mentioned. I'm going to close this thread because we don't plan on changing engines. Thanks again for your feedback.

Current Game Levels

As I'm reading through this thread, I thought that it would be prudent to point out that we are currently dealing with mid-level dungeons, mobs, bosses, etc. What's that have to do with anything? Well, since we are in development there is an artificial stop in progression so this stage is being viewed as "end game" and players have spent a considerable amount of time and effort in leveling skills and getting gear.
In short, players are over powered and that's not reflective of what to expect at release. At this stage, upon release, players will be working their way through skills and gear as natural progression dictates. Skills and gear levels will be different and those two factors significantly effect difficulty and group make up.
I just wanted to put that out there so it can be taken into consideration as these conversations develop.

AFK Players

As to the topic in general, we never intended for non-interrupted AFK connections. There are various reasons, including: unattended skill accumulation, crowd control, lag control, etc. When you have a lot of people accumulated in certain areas it can cause unnecessary lag, and as the community grows the issues will compound. That said, please continue to post what you enjoyed about having uninterrupted AFK access so that we can see if there is any way to accommodate those activities.

Exploit Abuse

We are still in the alpha phase of development. The point of having players in-game is to provide bug reports and feedback. An important part of the development process is receiving and reviewing game metrics and those who intentionally choose to abuse bugs and exploits have a significant impact on those numbers. It's a serious issue, and we have no tolerance for those who intentionally choose to take advantage of bugs and exploits. It's a serious issue and the consequences need to be serious.

Social Media

We encourage everyone to follow us on social media, but if you don't want to join you can still read our Tweets.

Download Speed

We have a CDN that has numerous locations around the world! It really depends on your location and the slow speed could be temporary.


I wouldn't recommend running mules, especially on multiple accounts unless the players doing so are okay paying for the extra accounts. I'm also aware of players working around guild requirments for storage, but that's not going to be an option forever.

Player Speed

I don’t want to get into specifics, but it is probably fair to note that there are likely to be changes to speed modifications as we proceed towards launch. I do think horses will alleviate some of the concerns, not just because of the speed benefits but also because of the storage capabilities. Of course that’s just one example, there will be other things that connect with some of the concerns previously mentioned.


We encourage everyone's feedback, new players and veterans. Telling a new player not to provide feedback because they aren't experienced enough would be like us telling Veterans not to provide feedback because certain functions or game systems are yet to be implemented. We get feedback all the time for things that we have plans for. An example would be the Storage System, there are complaints even though there are features and systems planned that may alleviate certain concerns. For example, the time it takes to go from place to place will be reduced once horses are introduced. I think the bottom line is everyone just needs to remember that we are still in alpha and that there are interconnected systems that have yet to be implemented. That doesn't mean we don't want your feedback, it just means you should keep that in mind when you are pushing for significant changes.

No Storage

We've said it numerous times, but storage is intended to be limited. If you want to save every item that you ever find, that's fine but you will have to work to maintain proper storage. If you want to complete every crafting skill, that's fine but you will have to work to maintain proper storage. If you want to max out multiple skills and have multiple armor sets, that's fine but you will have to work to maintain proper storage. The bottom line is that it's not an issue on whether there is enough storage, but rather the work involved in order to maintain it.
If you find yourself spending significant amounts of time on storage management, then it's by choice. There is a mentality that you need to keep everything because it may become valuable or you may need it at some point in the future. If you are finding yourself having storage issues, I would suggest clearing out any item that you don't use on a regular basis. If you do that, you would be surprised on how much space you actually "need".

No Wipe at Launch 2.

That was my quote, but yeah...hold Eric liable. [Evil Laugh]. Seriously though, that's always been the plan. We may have area specific resets - but we don't plan on a server wide wipe. Who knows though...there may be a benefit for characters to start fresh? [Second Evil Laugh]

Steam only?

Steam will be the only way to play, at least for the immediate future. We do anticipate offering an avenue to play outside of Steam, but that will come sometime after launch.

Order of release

But we typically have several items concurrently being developed and some are easier to roll out than others. In this example, the GUI has been in development for months and the camera system required a complete overhaul. During that time, we are able to roll out several bug fixes, updates, etc - but that shouldn't imply anything other than big items take longer than the smaller ones.

Character Customization

We plan on adding additional customization options to character creation in the future.

Vendors and Language Complexity

. Starting with the vendor interface, if it's too complex - we need feedback on the specifics so that we can take a look. Keep in mind (everyone, not just Khay), if something is confusing because english is not your native language - feel free to share that but remember that this is an English release. The second thing I wanted to address was the vendor space concern. We will other available locations, so the fact that the first area is full wouldn't necessarily be indicative of how it'd go upon release. Thirdly, not everyone will necessarily be able to have a vendor stall - it's a somewhat limited feature. As for the storage and auction house questions, I know they are directed at Citan, but I do know we've both mentioned the reasoning here and there on the forums previously. Instead of retyping, perhaps I'll see if I can find the originals.

Auction House? (No)

We've planned on implementing vendor stalls (and more) for a long time. We've also said we don't plan on any type of global auction house. Since the stalls were just implemented, we'd appreciate as much feedback as possible and please keep an open mind - you just might like it.

Trade Systems

A great feature of the non-centralized trading system is that players actually have a chance to find great deals and traders actually have the ability to establish relationship with buyers. There are a lot of benefits to this type of system and we are really excited to see it in action!

Weekend Bonuses

I also wanted to add, just to give context, that bonuses are intended to be...well, bonuses! That means, they are likely to be randomly activated and they will be time limited. As they were recently implemented, we have been testing them frequently - but I wouldn't expect them to occur with any certain frequency or pattern moving forward.

32-bit OS

Just a reminder, as I have been reviewing crash logs, 32-bit Operating Systems are not currently supported due to RAM limitations. Using a 32-bit OS can cause your game to crash and a host of other issues. We hope to support 32-bit systems in the future once optimizations occur, but until then they are not officially supported.

Too many players in an area

We are actively tracking this issue, but the specific issue in this case is farming an area that you won't be farming once the game is released. The problem is that people are playing rather than testing, thus they are farming these mid-game areas as if Project: Gorgon was a finished product.
Instancing is not an option, but we will definitely keep an eye on the issue and this thread for feedback.

Testing before a patch

We do test and check updates, but we don't have a QA team to check every single possibility. In fairness, this is alpha so YOU are our tester along with everyone else. Submitting detailed information is helpful, thanks.


At this early stage of development, Project: Gorgon has yet to go through a full optimization process and that likely will remain the case until later in development

Chat Spam

We always work hard to ensure detailed patch notes, and tonight will be no different. As for the spam, bots are a significant problem throughout the world of gaming and especially in multiplayer games with a central chat area. There isn't a simple solution, but rest assured that we are working to minimize those interruptions.

Where is the UI overhaul?

Yes! We are working on a major UI overhaul, but it is still a ways out. It will offer much requested flexibility and customizations.
We aren't quite ready to discuss the specifics, but I do plan on having a formal write up on it in the future.
There are many circumstances that are involved when you develop a game. When that was posted, we were still developing under Unity 4 and since that time have transitioned into Unity 5. That is not a small feat in itself. We are currently in the process of a major UI overhaul, but we don't have any specifics to share at this time and as such I have temporarily removed the above mentioned album.
Since we are in alpha, development shifts frequently and sometimes rapidly. If you think the current state is "bare bones", then you probably haven't been around long enough to notice the significant changes since alpha began. If you are unhappy with the level of progress, you are free to rejoin us when we officially hit beta or when we officially launch.

When will X skill be updated?

We don't usually give specifics on when "x" skill will be raised or when "x" will be updated due to the nature of development. If we do have a "sneak peak" to share it will usually be posted here on the forums or on social media.

Where is the Chat API at?

We shifted focus, so this has yet to be released. Once it does, we will be sure to make an announcement. No ETA at the moment, but thanks for your interest.

Do you read everything?

We read and log every in-game submission, even if you don't receive a response. It's definitely not automated.

One-button builds

This is not directed at anyone and is more of a general statement but if you are relying on one or two abilities for 99% of your damage output then you are probably going to face issues as combat (and those abilities) are fine tuned. It has been the case that those who rage at ability changes are those who overly rely (and base their entire build) on only a handful of abilities. In the end, I wouldn't count on a rotation that relies entirely on one or two abilities.

Is this a typical alpha?

First, we are not running a typical "alpha" as indicated by several unique circumstances - the main one being: no planned complete character wipe at launch. As such, there will be unique circumstances and requirements. Second, as Citan has already mentioned, we are not going to have a free for all or "anything goes" during testing. If you don't like that concept, then these early phases may not be for you.

Negative Feedback

Being in alpha, there are many game systems that are in their infancy and as such there will be many more changes forthcoming. What we need from testers is constructive criticism - that is, feedback grounded with the understanding that the game systems are going to undergo significant changes and sometimes those changes correlate with other changes not yet in place. We can't put everything in place at once in a live alpha such as this.
That said - we do want your feedback on this topic, but the changes have been in place for less than 24 hours. We need players to go out and actually TRY the system before embarking on a quest to have the changes scrapped. Could we change the system? Sure. Will we? Maybe. In the meantime, I would ask that people actually play and give feedback on what they’ve experienced.

Dirty NPCs

The Code of Conduct applies to the players, not the NPC/Game dialogue. ^.^

Permanent Choices

We don't plan on allowing reversal of permanent choices, even as a one-time exception.
I realize that many testers are playing as if Project: Gorgon is a released title and are growing attached to their characters - but we are in early testing and many skills will be reconfigured, revamped or completely changed. That's the nature of testing, and it's usually not an issue due to character wipes at launch. As to that, just because we don't plan on a complete wipe at launch, it may still be beneficial to re-roll at launch due to the numerous changes that your character will go through.

Email verification issues

Occasionally, usually with foreign email providers, there have been issues with receiving emails. As of now, the best resolution is to create a free email address at a provider like GMAIL. We can manually approve her account, but she will need to email support and include all the details related to the issue. Again, creating a new email address with a different provider will ensure all emails are received including email registration, password resets, etc.
This issue is likely to be resolved in the next month or two, but until then the above suggestion is the best solution.

Post-launch content

It's a bit too soon to fully discuss DLC and Expansions, but I can say that we will have post-launch content updates in addition to your standard bug fix patches. As for full-fledged expansions, it's a safe assumption that there will be fee attached to obtain them.
At this point we don't have anything further to announce, but stay tuned for future updates.

Dropping "Project" from Project Gorgon?

We feel that Project: Gorgon is a "proper" title and we don't have any intentions of changing it at this time.

Re-downloading the entire game

There is an engine limitation that requires a significant portion of the game to be re-downloaded whenever there is a patch. We've worked to optimize the process and will continue to do so as development continues.

Battle Chemistry

As previously mentioned, we plan on reworking it - but we don't have an announcement as to when that will occur

Accomplishments & Loot

We have a vision for Project: Gorgon and that includes how different functions come together to create the final product. Give us a chance to get there - and you may just be surprised!
Regarding skills and gear: When someone levels a skill to max level, that should be an accomplishment. When someone gets a good or better set of gear that fits their unique skillset, that should be an accomplishment. We are talking about single skillsets here - multiple skillsets and corresponding gearsets are going to be a "wow, that's an accomplishment" moment.
There are many MMO's that don't allow the player to specify the exact type of gear that they are going to get from drops. The inability to do-so shouldn't deter the player from trying. I've certainly raided consistently, in other games, for the chance of rolling on an item that fits my desired playstyle. When I finally got the prized piece, it was that "Yes!!" moment. We want players to have that sense of accomplishment.
Anyway, the TL:DR is that we want leveling skillsets and obtaing gearsets to be an accomplishment. It's a tough balance when working on a loot system, but it's still a work in progress so give us a chance to get there.

Loot distribution system.

The loot distribution system will see further changes as development continues, but the belt system as previously implemented wasn't the permanent solution. Thus, the previous incarnation of the belt system is not likely to return.

When implementing a loot system, there are a lot of factors to consider and a unique balance has to be struck. Without going into great details, loot distribution will be tightened/refined moving from alpha->beta->release. It's definitely not advised to get your heart set on any game system at this point of development as everything is subject to change.

Size of bat players.

The Project:Gorgon world is separate from our real world. Just because something is "X" in the real world doesn't mean it will be "X" in Project:Gorgon.

Long flight times.

I wouldn't grow accustomed to perma-flight or even prolonged flight. There's going to be certain limits on flying in general.

Availability of high-end gear.

As for high-end gear, it is always going to be difficult to obtain - especially if you are looking for specific mods for a particular skill set. That's not to say we won't continue to adjust loot distribution as development continues, but it's safe to assume that getting high-end gear with the exact mods that you are looking for will be difficult and feel like an accomplishment when it happens.


Since the patch just dropped, I would like to see more statistics and hear more input based on different group sizes, skill sets, etc before making significant changes. I am not saying that your concerns are not legitimate, but I would like to see more feedback and see the numbers. That said, I'd love to hear more feedback on the dungeons and mob difficulty. Please be sure to submit your feedback in-game!

Restrictions on some skills.

We appreciate your feedback, but as far as limitations go - every MMO has them. In other games it ranges from restricting classes based on race to end game gear restrictions. The reason we have such requirements in Project: Gorgon is because we feel it allows us to give significant bonuses, but at significant cost. Players will need to determine if it's worth it to them.

Is there PVP in the game?

Just a quick note: there is limited PVP in-game now, which is essentially a consent based system that promotes dueling. We don't have plans for forced, open world PVP.

Is there a set timeline?

Since we are so early in development, we aren't going to lay out the specifics/timeline. There's numerous reasons for this, but mainly because development is fluid and announcing anything specific (or even vaguely) can cause players to get their heart set on a timeline and if the timeline changes it can cause issues. This is especially true at this stage because we may have plans for "x" then decide to do "z" instead. If we announced "x" and instead went with "z", there could be disappointed players - and we don't want that!
The stretch goals and other skills will not be arriving in the immediate future. They are a ways off, and the same is true for major changes to crafting.
As for Steam, we are working on getting ready for early access and we will have more on that shortly.

New Belt System

The belt system and the new system is intended to boost the chances of getting items beneficial to your unique skill combination. The system is not intended to give you exactly what you're looking for everytime. We have many different skills thus making the loot distribution a challenge. The drop system could have been left random, like a lot of MMOs, and that would make it a significant challenge to get exactly what you wanted. It's a unique balance of allowing you earn the gear that you want, while not handing you everything exactly as you want it.There should be the excitement of getting that perfect piece that you spent the time and effort obtaining.
We'll continue to work on the loot system and appreciate the feedback.

Boss Curses

Ignore the warnings at your own risk. (Devil Face Emoji).


As you mentioned, we are in alpa so it's not necessarily easy just to "change the mechanics". We do not allow exploitation, and that's been mentioned on numerous occasions.
As for having rules and a full set of terms of service - they're coming, soon! In the meantime, if it seems like your conduct could be called objectionable: don't do it!

Why are there so many changes to the game?

Being in alpha, players should expect major revisions, complete system changes and completely new aspects - as development continues. Updating graphics and adding character races will come, but those will come as part of the developmental process.
I'll add to what Citan posted above, we are in alpha. Major changes will happen. Systems will be unfinished or feel incomplete. If you are playing like it's a finished game then you're probably not going to be happy with major system changes and be upset when certain systems aren't where you want them. At this point, we just need testers to explore and focus on the content with the knowledge that they are playing an alpha that's most definitely going to evolve.

What type of payment model will this game have?

Just as an fyi, VIP pricing is not yet set - the pricing is not final (as mentioned above). That said, it could be slightly higher, but we are confident that it will be $10 or less a month.
We will post more information on the VIP Subscription and the details related to how everything will work in the future.
We appreciate the discussion, suggestions and thoughts surrounding implementation though.
As to whether you will be able to purchase additional copies for friends, that shouldn't be a problem and we are already working on making that possible.

How about more Citan Asks?

We aren't necessarily going to post a new one every week. It is more likely to be sporadic as we need information on certain subjects.

Why are some skills hard to obtain and level?

There are certain skills that are going to be harder to obtain - and progress - than others. Fire Magic takes effort, like most skills, and it's not a skill that you are going to bull rush through. The items can take effort to find and obtain, but they are not "ultra rare". It really depends on your luck with drop rates and whether you are looking in the right areas.

VIP delivery time

We have discussed the potential of having the VIP subscription start during alpha/beta for those who elect to do so. That said, certain VIP benefits and other reward items are going to be implemented at different times throughout the development process. The official "delivery" time is listed as December 2016 on Kickstarter and is subject to the official release date.

Can I get a horse if I missed the Kickstarter?

You will still be able to get a horse, but you will have to work for it! There will be more details about that in the future.

Upcoming Chat-Interface API

We will also have Terms of Service with a specific section for the API, and I expect that you will see that in the near future.

View on Feedback

We love feedback, but it seems like a lot of people are approaching Project Gorgon as if it was a fully released game and they are providing feedback with that mindset.
We are in early alpha, and it's important to remember that game systems/features will go through changes. We need players to approach it as such, because having players skip content and farming for loot is not what testing is all about. I'll be posting a testing guide soon, hopefully that'll give more insight into what we are looking for.

Why do you not post all of the game updates on Kickstarter?

We will be posting an update soon, but we aren't going to focus on Kickstarter as a source of news. I'll make that clear in the next update. We want people here and on our official pages.

Can I stream Project Gorgon on Twitch?

Project Gorgon is listed as a supported game, and I just checked it and it's working here. I've seen other streamers using it as well.


Taking advantage of a bug or exploit, even if reported, can result in a character having skills reset, inventory/currency reset or even a permanent ban. We aren't going to be lenient on those who knowingly take advantage of a bug/exploit. If you find one, report it. Don't take a chance.

32bit Operating Systems?

"We don't officially support 32bit Operating Systems at the moment, but do hope optimizations in the future will allow for it.
The problem is that Windows 7 32bit has a physical memory limit of 4GB. So, even if you have 8GB the system can't access it. That's the root of your issue and upgrading to a 64bit OS is your best bet for now."

Permanent Choices

"When we say something is permanent or has disadvantages, it needs to be taken seriously. If you don't want to take a risk, even if it's not in-game yet, then I would suggest being conservative with your choices.
We are in alpha, there will be changes and unfortunately some of those changes could negatively impact your character. Sadly, that's the burden of testing an MMO. Especially one so early in development.
Traditionally, in MMO development, there's a wipe at launch so it doesn't really matter. Here, we aren't planning that route but we are also not planning on letting you remove permanent choices or negative consequences of skills.
There are a couple options:
1) Choose carefully, heed warnings, and don't expect skills to remain the same. Don't expect the ability to drop anything because of negative changes.
2) Play like it's an alpha, test everything, and create a new toon at launch. That way you'll know what you want and what you don't want."

Lycanthropy Removal (Not going to happen).

" If it says its permanent, then move forward with that understanding. We won't have a way to remove Lycanthropy as it's designed (coded in a way) not to be.
Animal forms may also be permanent once leveled past 50, but that's not yet final.
Skills and animal forms are designed to have certain advantages and those come with disadvantages. We can't have really great aspects of a skill or animal form if people can easily take advantage of them and avoid the negative at will.
TLDR: heed the warnings and don't assume otherwise."

Skill Wipes

As we have previously stated, we don't plan on complete skill wipes.

How can I email you?

Terms of Service

"We will be posting the Terms of Service in the future.
Meanwhile, intentional trolling, spamming, disruptive behavior, vulgar or racist language can and will result in a ban.
If you are unsure if what you are doing constitutes a violation, error on the side of caution."

Ban Appeals

We review ban appeals on a case by case basis and the review is initiated by emailing The review process can take time, and spamming the email account or our accounts on Twitter, Facebook and on Kickstarter won't make it happen any faster.

Steam Launcher

Steam will replace our current launcher through testing and onto launch. We may have a custom launcher sometime after launch, but I wouldn't worry about Steam as our early build doesn't show any memory leaks!

Windows 10?

Windows 10 is supported, so any issues are very likely to be user specific or group specific. For anyone reading this looking for help, please follow the basic steps in the link that I posted previously in this thread.The log file is critical in solving issues. Thanks!

Can I Stream?

Please feel free to stream! We are already setup with Twitch, so you will be able to select Project Gorgon as the game being played. We just ask that you do acknowledge that it is early alpha, but other than that we don't have any restrictions on streaming.

Permanent Animal Forms

In order to make animal forms a truly unique experience with benefits, the choice really does need to be permanent. I understand, from a player perspective, that it would be great to have a toggle but from a developer perspective that would defeat the purpose behind animal forms. When you become an animal you will face difficulties normal players won't, but you'll also have unique abilities and experiences. If there was a toggle it would completely defeat the balance. As a side result, players may be more willing to create alt characters instead of trying to cram every possible experience into one character.

Why can't the game be free?

"I understand many people want Project Gorgon to be free, and I understand that there are AAA titles going free to play. There are major differences between Project Gorgon and those other games. First, we don't need hundreds of thousands of players to survive. Many of those major titles do, that's why they open the flood gates to get people in game. 2) Generally, ""Free 2 Play"" is not truly free to play. Typically there are several pay gates to access the full features of the game, not to mention true pay to win cash shops. We don't want Project Gorgon to be that type of MMO. Pay one price and then play the game. The VIP is optional and does have beneficial features but you can definitely experience the game without it.
I know everyone is hungry for more information, and we'll be posting details soon. Stay tuned."

Storage Space

"We've talked about storage space a lot in the past and I don't want to rehash everything, but having constrained non-centralized storage is a specific intentional element of the game. Players have to earn that extra space and even still you will have to make tough decisions on what to keep. I understand that it's become the ""norm"" to have nearly limitless storage in other games, but we have specific reasons to avoid that in Project Gorgon.
That said, we are still early in development and storage will continue to go through the development process. Keep the feedback coming."

Second Chances & Cheating

Generally, the principle of second chances is one that I typically agree with. However, we will not tolerate cheating in Project Gorgon. We gave warnings, both in-game and out. We are in early alpha and everyone who plays is helping us test and shape the development of Project Gorgon. When someone cheats to give themselves an advantage it doesn't just hurt the other players, it hurts the development process in numerous ways. We don't ban players lightly. When players knowingly break the rules, especially in such an egregious manner, we have to step in to ensure that the integrity of Project Gorgon is protected.


Just a reminder, we don't allow discussions that relate to cheats, hacks, etc. As you know, Project Gorgon is in early alpha and the data we collect helps shape the future game design. When people manipulate the system that data is skewed and it really does hurt the development of the game. If you notice someone cheating, please report them immediately.

Why can't the game be free (again).

"I think that it's sometimes easy to overlook the fact that a lot of the top MMO's that transitioned into F2P (no mandatory subscription, limited non-subscription content) have or had an initial purchase cost. That also includes expansions. It is extremely difficult to have a completely f2p model with no upfront cost and just optional subscribers.
Sadly, there are certain decisions that some people just won't like. It seems we have a wide array of opinions on the matter and we appreciate the feedback. That said, we have a vision for Project Gorgon and all will be revealed in due time."


Project Gorgon is absolutely separate from Valiance as both are developed by separate organizations. The confusion likely derived from the fact that we both are affiliated with the SHOGN network, which works to promote and assist indie developers. We have allowed the Valiance team to use our MMO engine solution as part of our SHOGN network affiliation, but again they are a separate project. I hope that clears up any confusion.
The First Forum

No information can be gathered from the first forum for the game.