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Goblin Avenger: Accursed Hippos

Revision as of 07:56, 24 February 2019 by Caleon (talk | contribs) (new quest)
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Glortok in the Rahu Sewers said, "I thought goblinkind eradicated the wily cave hippo years ago, but they've been hiding here! No doubt the ratkin are breeding them in a scheme to flood our waterways. Destroy the wily water-beasts before they fill our waterways and rob good, kind-hearted goblins of crucial custom!"

This Quest can be repeated after 66 hours.


To start this quest, talk to Chief Glortok in the Rahu Sewer. The quest is available at [Neutral] favor.

You must have previously completed Goblin Avenger: Off-Duty Ratkin Shamans in order to undertake this quest.


I thought goblinkind eradicated the wily cave hippo years ago, but they've been hiding here! No doubt the ratkin are breeding them in a scheme to flood our waterways. Destroy the wily water-beasts before they fill our waterways and rob good, kind-hearted goblins of crucial custom!


  • Kill Cave Hippos x10
  • Talk to Glortok



You struck a blow for goblinkind. Unexpected.