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Death's Hold

Revision as of 16:37, 5 May 2019 by Seya (talk | contribs) (Use Ability infobox)
Button Orange.png
Error: Ability not found
3 Darkness
Power Cost
Reuse Time
15 seconds

Click "Expand" on the box below to view a complete list of Abilities for the Death's Hold skill.

Icon Level Name Description Special Effects Stats Source
icon_3427.png  1 Death's Hold Briefly hold your target in place with undead hands.
This is a Signature Debuff ability.
Target is immobilized for 5 seconds.
DoT: 0 Fire, 6 times over 12 seconds
Damage: 9 Darkness Power Cost: 12
Range: 20
Cooldown: 15
icon_3427.png  15 Death's Hold 2 Briefly hold your target in place with undead hands.
This is a Signature Debuff ability.
Target is immobilized for 5 seconds.
DoT: 0 Fire, 6 times over 12 seconds
Damage: 29 Darkness Power Cost: 18
Range: 20
Cooldown: 15
icon_3427.png  33 Death's Hold 3 Briefly hold your target in place with undead hands.
This is a Signature Debuff ability.
Target is immobilized for 5 seconds.
DoT: 0 Fire, 6 times over 12 seconds
Damage: 57 Darkness Power Cost: 25
Range: 20
Cooldown: 15
icon_3427.png  43 Death's Hold 4 Briefly hold your target in place with undead hands.
This is a Signature Debuff ability.
Target is immobilized for 5 seconds.
DoT: 0 Fire, 6 times over 12 seconds
Damage: 88 Darkness Power Cost: 28
Range: 20
Cooldown: 15
icon_3427.png  51 Death's Hold 5 Briefly hold your target in place with undead hands.
This is a Signature Debuff ability.
Target is immobilized for 5 seconds.
DoT: 0 Fire, 6 times over 12 seconds
Damage: 124 Darkness Power Cost: 29
Range: 20
Cooldown: 15
Training: Daniel Murderdark
icon_3427.png  64 Death's Hold 6 Briefly hold your target in place with undead hands.
This is a Signature Debuff ability.
Target is immobilized for 5 seconds.
DoT: 0 Fire, 6 times over 12 seconds
Damage: 180 Darkness Power Cost: 32
Range: 20
Cooldown: 15
Training: Daniel Murderdark