“Gobblejack the Rebuker and his flock of battle turkeys are gathering outside of Serbule Keep looking for some payback for the deaths of their cousins! These birds are very tough and they hit hard, so bring friends! Newer players should be extra cautious on the east side of Serbule Keep! Gobblejack will respawn 4 hours after being defeated. The Battle Turkeys will always start to spawn 1 hour before Gobblejack. Find the turkey hunters Bob, Rob, and Terk outside of the Serbule Keep east gate to get started. Also, be on guard for random turkey attacks on Serbule Keep and the Keeps of Eltibule. IMPORTANT NOTE: YOU MUST ENGAGE GOBBLEJACK AND BE NEAR HIM WHEN HE DIES TO GET CREDIT.— Alert Messages
Turkey Hunt is a Seasonal Event centered around defending Serbule from invasive Turkeys.
Bob's Advice
“Hail friend! Watch out when venturing outside of the Keep! The battle turkeys are gathering along with their leader, Gobblejack the Rebuker, to seek revenge for the deaths of their cousins! Gobblejack's beak is something to be feared! I wouldn't go near those turkeys in anything less than a full suit of metal armor, but perhaps you are just a little braver than I. Kill Gobblejack and bring me his beak so I can craft myself a fine fist weapon and I shall reward you for your effort!
— Turkey Hunter Bob
Rob's Advice
“Hello there! We were outside hunting some turkeys when Gobblejack and his flock of battle turkeys showed up and ran us back here. Gobblejack is a pretty big bird with a really big beak. I'll be it would make a fine turkey beak soup! If you can kill Gobblejack and bring his beak to me, I'll let you dig around in my gear bag and take whatever you want in return. I can smell that soup already!
— Turkey Hunter Rob
Turk's Advice
— Turkey Hunter Turk
Event Time
November 24, 2019 - November 28, 2019.