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Event: Bones For Rollin'

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Irkima in Red Wing Casino said, "As I understand it, our Ri-Shin tree should be decorated with items that evoke memories of our venue. Several customers told me that when they think of Red Wing, they think of 'rollin' the bones'. I do not know why they associate grim body parts with our lovely establishment, but I'm sure it's another racist anti-insect thing. These connotations are hurtful, but we aim to make our guests happy, so bones it is!

Unfortunately I used up my supply of bones during some recent shamanic infusion experiments... do you happen to have a surplus? Do not concern yourself with their rollability; any bones will do at this stage."

This Quest can be repeated after 91 days.


To start this quest, talk to Irkima in the Red Wing Casino.


As I understand it, our Ri-Shin tree should be decorated with items that evoke memories of our venue. Several customers told me that when they think of Red Wing, they think of 'rollin' the bones'. I do not know why they associate grim body parts with our lovely establishment, but I'm sure it's another racist anti-insect thing. These connotations are hurtful, but we aim to make our guests happy, so bones it is!

Unfortunately I used up my supply of bones during some recent shamanic infusion experiments... do you happen to have a surplus? Do not concern yourself with their rollability; any bones will do at this stage.


  • Obtain Bones x12
  • Talk to Irkima



Oh, the bones! I must apologize: having conferred with Dorimir Fangblade, I have learned that 'rollin' the bones' is an idiom for dice-rolling. And we happen to have a large supply of dice on hand, so we shall just use those on the tree!

I asked Dorimir if I could hang the bones you brought me as well, since you went to all the effort, but he hinted that they would be a grim reminder of our guests' mortality, and thus inappropriate. But they will not go to waste: Tavilak expressed enthusiasm about using them for fertilizer. Thank you for your effort!