The Sand Seer in Amulna asked for some very particular, very amazing ink. She is attempting to reproduce the Rakshasas' Geometric Rune Charts with higher-quality materials.
To start this quest, talk to Sand Seer in Ilmari Desert. The quest is available at [Comfortable] favor.
You must have previously completed A Stencil to Make Runes in order to undertake this quest.
“I may have figured out what the rune charts are for, but I need to make one more -- a really powerful one. Hmm... I have some very high-quality paper, but I really need some amazing ink. Holistic ink would do well here, I think. Yes. Do you have any amazing holistic ink in that huge backpack of yours?
- Obtain
- Talk to Sand Seer
Rewards for The Ink For Something Amazing
“Oh, the ink, thank you. I hope it wasn't any trouble! Let's see what happens when I use it to create a geometric chart.
[ You wait for the Sand Seer to work. ]
Oh my. Did you see that? I felt that healing wave all the way to my toes! Hah! It's a sigil! Quite unusual, too. If you're skilled enough in the art of sigil scripting, I'd be happy to show you how to make it.
[ Ability 'Health Glyph' added to Sand Seer's Training menu. ]
- 100 [favor]