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Racial Jewelry

Revision as of 14:30, 15 July 2020 by BetaNotus (talk | contribs) (Added newest jewelry.)
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Racial Jewelry describes items that fit into the Racial slot of a character. Different character races can equip different types of jewelry.

Rakshasa can wear tail rings (at the base of their tail), - Elves wear navel rings (it is elven tradition to pierce the navels of both males and females when they reach maturity), - Humans wear earrings (it is fashionable for both male and female humans to wear earrings, while the other races find the practice of ear piercing to be... a little weird).

Human Racial Jewelry

- Designed to be worn in humans' pierced ears, these earrings boost the wearer's maximum capacity for enjoyment of others' company, allowing them to be alone longer without becoming miserable.
- Simple but high-quality, these earrings were worn by a human who lived in the desert years ago. They can be worn in humans' pierced ears.
- For use by admins only!
- Designed to be worn in humans' pierced ears, these lovely earrings are enchanted with potent protection magic.
- These earrings will make a neophyte mage's spells seem much more impressive. They were intended as a gift for a young girl who passed before she got a chance to wear them.
- Designed to be worn in humans' pierced ears, these earrings help protect against the sickness that comes from being too close to glowy yellow crystals.

Elf Racial Jewelry

- Designed to be worn in an elf's pierced navel, this small gemmed ring repels dust and dirt.
- Designed to be worn in an elf's pierced navel, this small gemmed ring enhances the elf's biorhythms slightly.
- Designed to be worn in an elf's pierced navel, this small gemmed ring enhances the elf's natural accuracy with a bow.
- Designed to be worn in an elf's pierced navel, this ring helps protect against the sickness that comes from being too close to glowy yellow crystals.

Rakshasa Racial Jewelry

- Designed to be worn at the base of a Rakshasa's tail, this improves the wearer's Righteousness, allowing them to forgo the negative effects of killing sentient creatures for longer.
- Designed to be worn at the base of a Rakshasa's tail, this allows the wearer to remember two additional map spots at a time. It is inscribed, "to Sinda, the explorer supreme."
- Designed to be worn at the base of a Rakshasa's tail, this slows the rate at which hydration is lost, allowing the Rakshasa to function without water for twice as long.
- Designed to be worn at the base of a Rakshasa's tail, this imperceptibly alters a Rakshasa's mind.
- Designed to be worn at the base of a Rakshasa's tail, this helps keep the wearer from dying. It is inscribed with a message that simply reads, "Remember me. - Ashk"
- Designed for a ratkin's tail but also usable by rakshasa, this ugly ring makes a soft whistling sound when you move your tail.
- Designed for a ratkin's tail but also usable by rakshasa, this small yellow ring smells like... cheese? Well, anyway, it stinks.

Cow & Pig Racial Jewelry

- Designed to be worn in a cow's nose, this brass ring further enhances natural bovine strength.
- Designed to be worn in a cow's nose, this brass ring makes attractive cattle even more attractive.
- Designed to be worn in a cow's nose, this brass ring aggravates bovine sensibilities, causing violence.
- Designed for a ratkin's nose, but perhaps also wearable by a cow or pig.
- Designed to be worn in a cow or pig's nose, this ring helps protect against the sickness that comes from being too close to glowy yellow crystals.

Deer Racial Jewelry

- Designed to be worn at the base of a deer's tail, this brass ring is very cute.
- Designed to be worn at the base of a deer's tail, this brass ring enhances ferocity.

Deer, Rakshasa, & Wolf

- Designed to be worn at the base of a rakshasa's tail, but also able to fit on the tail of a wolf or deer, this ring helps protect against the sickness that comes from being too close to glowy yellow crystals.

Fae & Bat Racial Jewelry

- Designed to be worn in the wings of a fairy or giant bat, these rings help protect against the sickness that comes from being too close to glowy yellow crystals.

Fairy Racial Jewelry

- Designed to be clipped to a fairy's wings, these tassels exude a pheromone that makes many types of bees and wasps non-aggressive (unless attacked).
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- Designed to be clipped to a fairy's wings, these enchanted tassels improve fae energy conductivity.
- Designed to be clipped to a fairy's wings, these enchanted tassels make a fairy fly slightly faster.

Spider Racial Jewelry

- Designed to be slathered onto the mandibles of a giant spider, this reusable paint helps protect against the sickness that comes from being too close to glowy yellow crystals.