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Joined 22 October 2014
Revision as of 14:51, 21 August 2020 by BetaNotus (talk | contribs) (Weapon List)

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Weapon List

"Povus Special" Longsword
icon_108.png Sword Damage %

icon_108.png Necromancy Damage
Acid-Addled Blade
Admin Sword
icon_108.png Sword Damage
Aktaari Cutlass
icon_108.png Sword Damage %

icon_107.png Indirect Trauma Damage %
Amazing Military Sword
icon_108.png Sword Damage %

icon_107.png Indirect Trauma Damage %
Ancient Dwarven Blade
icon_108.png Sword Damage %
Antique Spatha
icon_108.png Sword Damage %
Astounding Military Sword
icon_108.png Sword Damage %

icon_107.png Indirect Trauma Damage %
Awesome Military Sword
icon_108.png Sword Damage %

icon_107.png Indirect Trauma Damage %
Basic Sword
Battle-Hardened Sword
icon_103.png Power Regen (Non-Combat)

Bedazzled Spatha
icon_108.png Sword Damage %

icon_2128.png Windstrike Damage
Bendith's Blade
icon_108.png Sword Damage %
Blackened Sword
icon_108.png Sword Base Damage %

Blocking Blade
icon_108.png Sword Damage %

icon_2115.png Parry Power Cost

icon_2233.png Riposte Power Cost
Chopping Sword
icon_108.png Sword Damage %

icon_107.png Slashing Damage %
Council Trooper Sword
icon_108.png Sword Damage %
Dragon's Strike
icon_108.png Sword Damage %

icon_108.png Nice Attack Damage
Elven Ceremonial Longsword
icon_108.png Sword Damage %

icon_2113.png Many Cuts Damage
Elven Longsword
icon_108.png Sword Damage %

icon_103.png Max Power
Extra-Fancy Shellmaster's Blade
icon_108.png Sword Damage %

icon_108.png Sprint-Swimming Speed Boost

icon_108.png Max Underwater Held Breath
Fae Rapier
icon_108.png Sword Damage %

icon_3444.png Heart Piercer Damage %

icon_3047.png Precision Pierce Damage %
Fancy Shellmaster's Blade
icon_108.png Sword Damage %

icon_108.png Sprint-Swimming Speed Boost

icon_108.png Max Underwater Held Breath
Fiendish Rapier
icon_108.png Sword Damage %

icon_3427.png Death's Hold Damage %
Flaming Gazluk Sword Sword Slash, Riposte, Windstrike, and Finishing Blow deal direct Fire damage. All Sword abilities apply Flaming Sword damage for 10 seconds.
icon_108.png Sword Damage %

Error: Attribute not found Error: Attribute not found

icon_107.png Direct Fire Damage %
Goblin Cutlass
icon_107.png Slashing Damage
icon_108.png Sword Damage
Gouging Stiletto
icon_108.png Sword Damage %

icon_107.png Direct Poison Damage %
Great Military Sword
icon_108.png Sword Damage %

icon_107.png Indirect Trauma Damage %
Hobgoblin Peacemaster Sword
icon_108.png Sword Damage %

icon_3443.png Flashing Strike Reuse Timer

icon_3443.png Flashing Strike Damage

icon_108.png Priest Base Damage %
James Eltibule's Sword
icon_108.png Sword Damage

icon_3024.png Hacking Blade Direct Damage
Janet Lew's Old Longsword
icon_108.png Sword Damage %

icon_3024.png Hacking Blade Direct Damage
Joeh's Old Sword
icon_108.png Sword Damage

icon_103.png Power Regen (Non-Combat)
Jott's Blazing Star Sword Sword Slash, Riposte, Windstrike, and Finishing Blow deal direct Fire damage. All Sword abilities apply Flaming Sword damage for 10 seconds.
icon_108.png Sword Damage %

Error: Attribute not found Error: Attribute not found

icon_107.png Direct Fire Damage %
Lord ErDrick's Blade
icon_2115.png Parry Damage %
Lordling's Spatha
icon_108.png Sword Damage %
Mankiller Sword
icon_108.png Sword Damage %

icon_3045.png Decapitate Damage
Moldy Ancient Sword
Murdebok's Blade Finishing Blow dispels one fire effect on you (up to 35 damage/tick) and restores 65 health
icon_108.png Sword Damage %
icon_108.png Sword Damage

icon_103.png Power Regen (Non-Combat)
Orcish Broadsword
Orcish Spatha
icon_108.png Sword Damage %
Pig Sticker Melee attacks deal +5 damage to pigs
Prognek's Flaming Sword Sword Slash, Riposte, Windstrike, and Finishing Blow deal direct Fire damage. All Sword abilities apply Flaming Sword damage for 10 seconds.
icon_108.png Sword Damage %

Error: Attribute not found Error: Attribute not found

icon_107.png Direct Fire Damage %
Quality Military Sword
icon_108.png Sword Damage %

icon_107.png Indirect Trauma Damage %
Quality Sword
icon_108.png Sword Damage

Ratkin Revolutionist Sword
icon_108.png Sword Damage %
Rusty Sword
Sedgewick's Honor
icon_108.png Sword Damage %

icon_102.png Max Health
Shellmaster's Blade
icon_108.png Sword Damage %

icon_108.png Sprint-Swimming Speed Boost

icon_108.png Max Underwater Held Breath
Silvered Sword Deals +20 damage to lycanthropes
Dispels lycanthropic regeneration effects
icon_108.png Sword Damage
Simple Silver Knife Deals +20 damage to lycanthropes
Dispels lycanthropic regeneration effects
Sturdy Sword
icon_108.png Sword Damage

Tabor's Blade of Supremacy
icon_108.png Sword Damage %

icon_2106.png Finishing Blow Damage
Torgan's Spatha
icon_108.png Sword Damage %
Vanquisher's Blade Sword Slash, Riposte, Windstrike, and Finishing Blow deal direct Fire damage. All Sword abilities apply Flaming Sword damage for 10 seconds.
icon_108.png Sword Damage %

Error: Attribute not found Error: Attribute not found
icon_108.png Sword Damage

icon_107.png Crushing Damage
Xiphos Deals +10 damage to fey
icon_108.png Sword Damage

Pages needing deletion

      Food List Testing


      Skill page item lists

      Items Sold by Vendors

      Fairy Wing-Change Potion Chart

      Type A&B - 1 profile.jpg Type A&B - 1.jpg
      Type A&B - 2 profile.jpg Type A&B - 2.jpg
      Type C&D - 1 profile.jpg Type C&D - 1.jpg
      Type C&D - 2 profile.jpg Type C&D - 2.jpg
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      Type E&F - 2 profile.jpg Type E&F - 2.jpg
      Type G&H - 1 profile.jpg Type G&H - 1.jpg
      Type G&H - 2 profile.jpg Type G&H - 2.jpg
      Error: Item not found
      Type I - profile.jpg Type I.jpg

      Rowspan Abilities

      (abilities json, ability_13302)

      icon_2129.png Bear Claw (Pet)
      Slashing Damage
      Base Damage: X