Ensign Cricket aboard the Wintertide said, "There's a bunch of bears on the storage deck because of... reasons. You should clear those out, if you're going that way!"
This Quest can be repeated after 30 days.
To start this quest, talk to Ensign Cricket in The Wintertide. The quest is available at [Close Friends] favor.
There's a bunch of bears on the storage deck because of... reasons. You should clear those out, if you're going that way!
- Kill Bears x5
- Talk to Ensign Cricket
“The bears are gone? Great! I was about to get in trouble for that one. See, the cow-men were sentient, but the bears weren't. So as a little prank, I swapped their intelligence reports in our system. For weeks, ensigns have been trying to tame the cow-men and parlay with the bears. It's been very, VERY funny to watch, but the joke's run its course. Thanks to you!
- 100 [favor]