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The Big Boss Birdie

Revision as of 04:18, 13 September 2020 by Caleon (talk | contribs)
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Ensign Cricket aboard the Wintertide said, "Hippogriffs aren't immortal. Did you know that? Yeah, they hatch out of eggs! We have a hatchery on board, too. You should go kill the brood mother!

You'll know you're in the right place when the temperature drops. They keep Coldfeather's quarters very cold!"

This Quest can be repeated after 30 days.


To start this quest, talk to Ensign Cricket in The Wintertide. The quest is available at [Comfortable] favor. You must have previously completed Noisy Arcta Hippogriffs in order to undertake this quest.


Hippogriffs aren't immortal. Did you know that? Yeah, they hatch out of eggs! We have a hatchery on board, too. You should go kill the brood mother!

You'll know you're in the right place when the temperature drops. They keep Coldfeather's quarters very cold!


  • Kill Coldfeather
  • Talk to Ensign Cricket



Coldfeather is dead? Huh. I guess I expected to feel better about that, since cleaning frozen bird poop is extremely unfun. But actually I'm kind of sad.

Well, there's more brood hippogriffs, and I'm sure we'll get a new one soon. Unless you blow up the ship first! Here's hoping!

Hey, what's that up there?! Hah, made you look! Hmm? Oh, no, it's just a memory injector. Do you feel the memory? Then it worked! This 'coffee' thing isn't a fairy invention, though. Actually, we found it on the mortal realm! But it's pretty good. Maybe some day you'll be able to make some. Or not. Who cares.