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Revision as of 15:33, 26 June 2015 by BetaNotus (talk | contribs) (Will eventually add details. got the keys recorded.)
Command Default Key Alternate Default Key Misc.Notes.
Turn Left LeftArrow A N/A
Turn Right RightArrow D N/A
Strafe Left Q None N/A
Strafe Right E None N/A
Move Forward UpArrow W N/A
Move Backwards DownArrow S N/A
Move Up R PageUp Used for flight.
Move Down F PageDown Used for flight.
Auto Move Forward Numlock None N/A
Jump Space None N/A
Show Inventory Window I Ctrl + I N/A
Show Chat Window C Ctrl + C N/A
Show Abilities Bar Ctrl + A None N/A
Show Skill Panel Ctrl + D None N/A
Show Status Window Ctrl + S None N/A
Show Map Window M Ctrl + M N/A
Show Social Panel Shift + Ctrl + S None N/A
Show Config Screen Shift + O None N/A
Show Recipe Screen Ctrl + R None N/A
Show Pet Screen Shift + P None N/A
Show Persona Screen P None N/A
Show Quest Screen None None N/A
Close Last Panel Escape None Can also open options menu.
Select Next Enemy Tab None N/A
Select Previous Enemy Shift + Tab None N/A
Select Next Non-Combatant None None N/A
Select Previous Non-Combatant None None N/A
Select Next Player None None N/A
Select Previous Player None None N/A
Select Next Ctrl + Tab None Good for selecting things you can't click on.
Select Previous Shift + Ctrl + Tab None N/A
Select Myself F1 None N/A
Zoom Camera In KeypadPlus Scroll Wheel N/A
Zoom Camera Out KeypadMinus Scroll Wheel N/A
Hold to Zoom Camera with Up/Down None None N/A
Toggle Run/Walk ' None N/A
Use Selected U None N/A
Test1 None None N/A
Test2 None None N/A
Test3 None None N/A
Run LeftShift RightShift N/A
Use Ability 1 1 None N/A
Use Ability 2 2 None N/A
Use Ability 3 3 None N/A
Use Ability 4 4 None N/A
Use Ability 5 5 None N/A
Use Ability 6 6 None N/A
Use Ability 7 Ctrl + 1 None N/A
Use Ability 8 Ctrl + 2 None N/A
Use Ability 9 Ctrl + 3 None N/A
Use Ability 10 Ctrl + 4 None N/A
Use Ability 11 Ctrl + 5 None N/A
Use Ability 12 Ctrl + 6 None N/A
Use Ability 13 Shift + 1 None N/A
Use Ability 14 Shift + 2 None N/A
Use Ability 15 Shift + 3 None N/A
Use Ability 16 Shift + 4 None N/A
Use Ability 17 Shift + 5 None N/A
Use Ability 18 Shift + 6 None N/A
Use Ability 19 None None N/A
Use Ability 20 None None N/A
Use Ability 21 None None N/A
Use Ability 22 None None N/A
Use Ability 23 None None N/A
Use Ability 24 None None N/A
Screenshot Ctrl+P None N/A
Screenshot: High-Res None None F12 is suggested.
Turn On/Off GUI Windows = None N/A
Select Group Member #1 F2 None N/A
Select Group Member #2 F3 None N/A
Select Group Member #3 F4 None N/A
Select Group Member #4 F5 None N/A
Select Group Member #5 F6 None N/A
Select Group Member #6 F7 None N/A
Select Group Member #7 F8 None N/A
Select Group Member #8 F9 None N/A
Select Group Member #9 F10 None N/A