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Lord Sedgewick

59 bytes removed, 15:08, 3 December 2015
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; [[Eltibule]]
: [[Dark Chapel]]
{{Quote|Magical darkness clings to you wherever you go.<br>
+10% Evasion; Enemies gain +20% Evasion against you.}}
==Combat Abilities==
* While not listed as an ability, Sedgewick will summon the ghost of [[Katarina Eltibule]] at some point during the fight. She will join the battle against you and your team. She behaves much like any other incorporeal ghost, needing to be stunned before she takes any significant damage.
===Curse=Miscellaneous==Lord Sedgewick may curse you with a persisting darkness that will stay with you even after you leave the dark tunnels, giving you a 10% chance to evade any coming attacks, but a 20% chance to miss any you perform as well.* Skin: ?* Meat: ?* Skull: ?
==Reported Loot==