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User talk:NotesOfNotus

2,814 bytes added, 06:30, 8 October 2014
Myconian Cave Map: new section
Hi guys. I think the basic Shop icons templating is ready for use. See [[NPC Template]] and [[Item Icons Guide]]. Many icons are reused in-game so a lot of items in shop listings should be covered. We will just add icons over time whenever the fancy arise :) I have some ideas to make it easier to create those shop listings (with a little script).. but for now that's how it works. IF you somehow want more data on the shop, msg me in-game (Gorgonzola), or post on my page, or post on the [[Talk:NPC Template]] I should see it. Currently you can see one idea for Lucky Belt is I used a ABBR tag to put the skills in the tooltip. There's always compromises to be made, I think icons make the shop list easier to scan, and is worth the extra space. Having those icons also gives us other possibilities, for example see [[Sword#Equipment]]. --[[User:Gorgonzola|Gorgonzola]] ([[User talk:Gorgonzola|talk]]) 16:31, 6 October 2014 (CDT)
== Myconian Cave Map ==
Hi Notus, you seemed to start a discussion in your User page but I think it would be rude of me to edit your User page so I'll comment in the Talk page ;) -- The map is excellent. Realy nice, I didn't expect that you'd make icons for the various points of interest either. Very cool. (Hmm since I'm at "level 0" I 'm going to use slightly fancier formatting than the indents below)
A few comments/thoughts/suggestions:
* "Should I remove spider markers?" If you mean the red bridge thing, I'd keep them as they are a nice landmark that can help players navigate or double check where they between the map and in-game. Aesthetically wise I also like that they give a tiny illusion of "height" to the map :)
* It's really good that you use a "flat color" design; as this usually compresses very well in either GIF or PNG formats. SO i'd recommend to continue using that format and avoid grainy patterns or gradients if yo uwant to get maximum quality at larger dimensions.
* At 2048pixels (resize of your first upload) a PNG 24 will be ~500kb. However since you use flat colour, we can pick a PNG 8 format (256 colour palette), it retains maximum sharpness and the same image is then ~196kb. If I pick GIF it is ~255kb. In both cases smaller than a 24 bit image. I think the aesthetic you have right now is pretty ideal. You can still add more colours as long as it's not gradients it will compress extremely well in PNG 8 bit with very sharp lines. FOr this I used Photoshop -> Save for Web. For trivia, note that in GIF format I can also get it down to ~194kb by using the "Lossy" option at 20. This moves pixels around to help the compression algorithm, but at the same 2048px size in my examples above, it is very hard to notice (just a trick to your arsenal if you din't know about it).
* Colour wise you've obviously got a feel for it, as you picked rather harmonious colours.Perhaps you could make the POI icons brighter so they sort of "pop" from the background? (same tint, but brighter). Minor thing though.
* I would prefer to remove the thick black outer edge. The reason for that is that it will make it easier to fit into a nice template. As it will almost certainly fit into a square box somewhere, the content of the map will gain more pixel space. A second reason is that if you really want it for aesthetic reasons, we can easily add such a border through css (<span style="display:inline-block;border:3px solid #000; border-radius:5px; background:#eee;padding:2px 5px;">with border and border-radius</span>) to the container, while reducing the image size further.
I will continue discussion in [[Dungeon Template]] as it is relevant to the dungeon pages specifically. --[[User:Gorgonzola|Gorgonzola]] ([[User talk:Gorgonzola|talk]]) 05:30, 8 October 2014 (CDT)