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Dilapidated Guardian

374 bytes added, 19:08, 24 February 2018
Updating to template.
| ineffective = Poison, Trauma
A skeleton warrior that prefers [[Dilapidated Guardian]]s are low level Undead often found in a state of environmentally caused ruin. Guardians on [[Anagoge]] tend to stay near the coastcoastline.
{{MOB Location| location1 ==Locations==; [[Anagoge Island]]: | desc1 = Most commonly found in along the north-western part of the mapcoastline.| armor1 = 0| health1 = 45| rage1 = 37}}
==Combat Abilities==
* Slashing Damage
* [[Image:Rage-icon-20px.gif|Rage]] Slashing Stun
== Miscellaneous ==
|{{Item|Human Skull}} (Or Rakshasa/Elf/Orc)
|}==Reported Loot==*==== General Loot ====; Level 0-10 Equipment{||{{Item|Femur}}*|{{Item|Strange Dirt}}|{{Item|Grass}}* armor|}
[[Category:Anagoge Creatures]]