,→Lore: Added lore.
[[Councilwoman Irasce]]'s notes: this history is exceptionally self-serving. It was written anonymously but it's easy to guess that a priest of [[Arisetsu]] is behind it: as is typical of her priests, this story makes her sound weak! This story would have you believe that Arisetsu gave up most of her power and became a minor god. But the sheer scope of Arisetsu's power at its peak was incomprehensible, so the fact that her power level is now 'comprehensible' does not mean it is small. Arisetsu is a class 1 nature spirit, capable of massive creation or destruction. Her priests bring comfort and healing to the sick and the needy around the world, and they are welcome in all Council cities. We are proud and honored to facilitate the worship of this kind spirit. However, the Council monitors her priesthood carefully, for although [[Arisetsu]] is ideologically a pacifist, she's also extremely pragmatic. Her paladins guard against "threats that would extinguish hope among the faithful," which might as well mean "anybody that angers Arisetsu." And the occasional news of combusting villains reminds us that Arisetsu is still the god of Warmth, and her priests can make things very warm indeed. Lastly, for those not trained in classical Elvish, I want to bring attention to the seeming absence of the two other elder elven gods: [[Mirraverre]], goddess of Dreams, and [[Laeth]], goddess of Time. These two stood alongside [[Irhetsu]] and [[Arisetsu]] in the crucial years after the [[Autumn Felling]], so why are they ignored here? The answer is that they are referenced in an idiomatic form: “Stories, hope, dreams, and time -- these things guided the elves back to a place of strength.” This line, or a similar one, is used in many ancient Elvish poems to pay homage to the four old elven gods."
==== Relationship with [[Vol]] ====
{{Quote|source=[[Gloria Stonecurl]]|
[[Arisetsu]] was super angry and she said to [[Vol]], "to protect Hope, I would end Death if I must. Do not doubt my conviction or my power," and so that started another fight, because Vol said... well, we're out of time and it doesn't matter what he said.
To sum up, there's been a ''lot'' of lover's spats over the centuries, but amazingly, Vol, the god of Death, is ''still'' Arisetsu's lover, eighteen thousand years later! That's really weird, right? Hope and Death as lovers? I know!
Have you ever heard the folk tale that says if your situation is truely hopeless and you pray to Arisetsu, you'll die in your sleep? Well, don't go spreading this around, but it's true! As a gift to Arisetsu, Vol changed reality so that you really will die peacefully in your sleep if your situation is truly hopeless. Arisetsu was pretty upset about that for a few hundred years, but she's gotten used to it.
They say Arisetsu has made Vol kinder, but I think Vol has rubbed off on Arisetsu a lot more. Arisetsu hates the undead... really seriously HATES them... and I think it's all because Vol hates them. If she didn't care for Vol I don't think she'd care about the undead either.
Okay... that's enough for today. You did great!
[[Category:Register of Lore]]