Created a page for this creature.
{{MOB infobox
| type = Ruminant
| armor = 75
| health = 156
| rage = 233
'''Feral Bull'''s are [[Ruminant]] creatures that graze outside of the central keep in [[Eltibule]]. They are found alongside [[Feral Cow]]s, and are prone to attack players of all levels.
; [[Eltibule]]
: Between Hogan's Keep and the Eltibule Keep.
==Combat Abilities==
* Ineffective: Piercing
* Crushing Damage
* [[Image:Rage-icon-20px.gif|Rage]] Heavy Crushing Damage
==Reported Loot==
* BBQ Ribs (Rare)
* Steak
* Grass
* Orange
* Ancient Bronze Coin
* Seeds (Level 10 - 35)
[[Category:Eltibule Creatures]][[Category:Ruminant]]
{{MOB infobox
| type = Ruminant
| armor = 75
| health = 156
| rage = 233
'''Feral Bull'''s are [[Ruminant]] creatures that graze outside of the central keep in [[Eltibule]]. They are found alongside [[Feral Cow]]s, and are prone to attack players of all levels.
; [[Eltibule]]
: Between Hogan's Keep and the Eltibule Keep.
==Combat Abilities==
* Ineffective: Piercing
* Crushing Damage
* [[Image:Rage-icon-20px.gif|Rage]] Heavy Crushing Damage
==Reported Loot==
* BBQ Ribs (Rare)
* Steak
* Grass
* Orange
* Ancient Bronze Coin
* Seeds (Level 10 - 35)
[[Category:Eltibule Creatures]][[Category:Ruminant]]