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360 bytes removed, 21:06, 12 February 2020
Removed super old info and some poorly written stuff. Also took out some somewhat deceitful info.
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'''Turning into a Lycanthrope is a PERMANENT CHARACTER ALTERATION. Even though this is Alpha, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO REMOVE THIS CURSE. EVER.'''
'''There is currently no way to use the [[Lycanthropy|Lycanthrope]] and [[Druid]] skillsets as a combination. Items that enable druidism while in wolf form MAY come in a future content update.'''
* Remember that turning into a lycanthrope is a '''PERMANENT CHARACTER ALTERATION THAT CANNOT BE UNDONE''' and '''won't be made reversible'''. Because of this, it's highly advised to carefully consider the pros and cons before making the decision. For three days every month werewolfs are forced to play as a werewolf, and several vendors will not speak to wolves. Many vendors can be bribed to work with wolves after a short quest but a few will not talk to a wolf or give them a bribe quest. This can by mitigated by using an alternate character with the transfer chest to sell items, or by finding similar vendors in other zones who have a wolf bribe quest.
* +12 Run Speed Buff from the [[Altar Lycanthropy is one of Norala]].* It is a change on demand shape shift (assuming the player has killed a only few mobs)*3 days animal forms that can shift in and out of the month you get special quests for special buffstheir human form at will.*It is great for clicking During the "Star Button" between your power orb and skills and making a run speed load out while equipping run speed boots, pants, necklaces and ringsfull moon you have unique quest objectives that serve as an interesting alternative to typical skill progression.*The bite skill can be modded by your gear to be an 8 second cooldown aoe
*Most Merchants Require a quest completion Lycanthropy is an [[Animal Form]]. Like all animal forms, you have no hands and many NPC's refuse to talk to beastsyou.*A few merchants will not talk to beasts at all*3 For the three days of the month the player is stuck in wolf full moon you will be unable to return to your human formno matter what. The player will most likely need a set This includes illusion abilities or words of wolf gearpower.
*Wood Can not be chopped while in wolf form.
*Secondary skills while in wolf farm are limited to Animal Handling, Unarmed, Mentalism, Psychology, Warden, Necromancy, or Priest because the other skills require a weapon. Weapons for other skills are not recognized as being equipped while in wolf form.