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Orcish Book About Tast

13 bytes removed, 11:07, 17 September 2020
Lore: Added quote.
== Lore ==
<!-- Add quotes or any other in-game lore that mentions the item.Example:{{Quote|source=[[VelkortOrcish Book About Tast]]|Ah yesA complex book written by an orcish sage. The secretions It documents the known history of [[Tast]], the god of fire elementals war and other fiery beastsarmies. Quite valuable. I will part with some of mine if you complete It depicts Tast as a giant orc, taller than a building, riding atop a few favors for me. Beyond horse so dark that, you can obtain it by seeking out creatures that are naturally on fireseems to be made of shadow. For instanceThe most interesting portion of the book documents "Old Tast, look for fire spiders in " the first version of the Eltibule regiongod, who loved chaos.}}{{Quote|source=[[Work Order Over thousands of years, Tast changed. He now despises chaos for Fire Dust]]|Rumor has it that Fire Dust can be found all over the place in Serbule its own sake, and prefers organization, structure, and Eltibuleplanning. You are very lucky! Why the change? It is not so common here in Verta's impossible to say, but this book explains all the popular theories.}}--><!--[[Category tags are added automatically by the ITEM infobox-->:Register of Lore]]