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Mien of Quietus

114 bytes added, 08:05, 25 September 2020
Updated stats.
| title = Mien of Quietus
| type = Incorporeal Creature
| health = 1197012746| armor = 2501071| rage = 1231667
| effective = Fire, Acid
| ineffective = Cold, Nature, Electricity
| immune = Darkness
| area = Labyrinth
| location = Summoned by [[Claudia]].
| health = 1197012746| armor = 2501071| rage = 1231667
==Combat Abilities==
'''Death Touch'''
== Miscellaneous =={||'''Skin''':| None|-|'''Meat''':| None|-|'''Skull''':| None|}==Reported Loot==* ==== General Loot ====; Level 60 gearEquipment