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4,978 bytes added, 14:53, 26 June 2020
Who Buys What: Added a link to a Beast Form Shopkeeper table.
==Who Buys What==
This The following table can help you figure out summarizes which [[:Category:Vendor|vendors]] buy which items at full or near full value. As Project:Gorgon is a game of exploration, the following information could be considered to whom you can sell be a spoiler. Use at your lootown discretion.
Different NPCs are interested Notes:* [[:Category:Items/AugmentationRelated|Transmutation/Augmentation-related items]] includes Phlogiston, Baubles, Ornaments, Beads, Contraptions, and Prisms, as well as Augments themselves.* Be aware that Cap Per Item under Spending Limits is affected by your character's in different things-game skills, including [[Civic_Pride#Level_Up_Rewards|Civic Pride]]. Some NPCs will buy When editing the Spending Limits, please remember to divide your item cap by the value of 'NPC Max Purchase Caps' in the Persona>Stats screen (it's towards the bottom, third to last section titled 'General Stats').* For a wide range list of itemsNPC Shopkeeprs that speak with [[Beast Forms]], they are very convenientfollow this [[Beast Forms#NPC Shopkeepers that speak to Beast Forms|link to that table]].
Other NPCs only deal in weapons and armor (for example), but may be in a convenient location, or offer better prices, or even have a larger pool of money available.
{| class<span style="wikitablecolor:#4c4;font-size:16px;">&#10033;</span> Very useful vendor who buys a wide variety of items at decent prices. {| {{STDT}}! NPC !! Buys whatItems Purchased !! Spending Limits !! Small Talk !! Edit Links{{Vendor location row|Name = Serbule|Color = F08080}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Azalak}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Charles_Thompson}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Elahil}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Fainor}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Flia}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Harry_the_Wolf}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Hulon}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Joeh}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Larsan}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Leonard_Allenson}}{{Vendor purchase table row|-Name=Marna}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Mushroom_Jack}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Roshun_the_Traitor}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Sir_Coth}}{{Vendor purchase table row| styleName=Tadion}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name="width:150px"Therese}}{{Vendor purchase table row| [[Name=Velkort]] }}{{Vendor location row|Name = Serbule Crypt|Color = A9A9A9}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Sir_Arif}}{{Vendor location row|Name = Myconian Cave|Color = 008B8B}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Way}}{{Vendor location row|Name = Serbule Hills| Animal parts (spider legs, snail shells, mandibles, cat eyeball, ...)Color = ACE1AF}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Baroness_Marith_Felgard}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Brianna_Willer}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Durstin_Tallow}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Sammie_Grimspine}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Paul_Vaughn}}{{Vendor location row|Name = Eltibule|Color = 228B22}}{{Vendor purchase table row|-Name=Helena_Veilmoor}}{{Vendor purchase table row| styleName="width:150px"Hogan}}{{Vendor purchase table row| [[Name=Jesina]] }}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Jumjab}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Kalaba}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Kleave}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Sie_Antry}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Suspicious_Cow}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Yetta}}{{Vendor location row|Name = Sun Vale|Color = FFB000}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Agrashab}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Eleme}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Hiral}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Kodan}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Norbert}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Preta}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Spot}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=The_Wombat}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Yavazek}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Yogzi}}{{Vendor location row|Name = Winter Nexus|Color = AFEEEE}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Corey_The_Croaker}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Fazzi}}{{Vendor location row|Name = Kur Mountains|Color = 4169E1}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Jace_Soral}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Lamashu}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Laura_Neth}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Syndra}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Ukorga}}{{Vendor location row|Name = Kur Tower|Color = A9A9A9}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Glajur}}{{Vendor location row|Name = Ilmari|Color = F0EC8C}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Arlan}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Firaki}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Lumpfuzz}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Selaxi}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Urzab}}{{Vendor location row|Name = Rahu|Color = F4A460}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Amutasa}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Ashk_the_Answerer}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Ichin_the_Ice_Master}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Nishika}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Rugen}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Sirine}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Zhao}}{{Vendor location row|Name = New Prestonbule Cave|Color = A9A9A9}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Bellema_Deftwhisper}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Rick_Snapley}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Sona}}{{Vendor location row|Name = Red Wing Casino|Color = 228B22}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Eveline_Rastin}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Kib_the_Unkillable}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Mandibles}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Otis}}{{Vendor purchase table row| Potions, fruits, flowers, meats, basic cooking ingredients.Name=Ragabir}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Tavilak}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Willem_Fangblade}}{{Vendor location row|Name = Fae Realm|Color = FF99FF}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Bendith_the_Banished}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Felmer}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Floxie}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Pegast}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Raina}}{{Vendor purchase table row|Name=Solgribue}}