,→Often-Obtainable Titles from Scrolls
Many [[Special Behavior Badges]] will grant temporary titles for as long as you hold that badge.
==== Often-Obtainable Titles from Scrolls ====
Titles in this list are obtainable in scroll form, but are not player or developer-bestowed. These titles are often obtainable, usually through bartering or the completion of quests.
category = Items/TitleScroll
==== Player or Developer Bestowed Titles ====
Titles displayed in this list are either distributed by developers, or rewards granted to players for backing the game. Player-owned titles can be directly bestowed on other characters by the owner of the title, or title scrolls can be created for trading or selling. While many players choose to keep their title to themselves, others have found profit selling them in the Serbule and Red Wing Casino marketplaces.