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Jamurra is an Elven town in the elven country of Verta.

I keep extensive libraries back home in Jamurra, but I'm only there for a few years at a time. Then I head off to another desert for a decade of sight-seeing and exploration. But if you happen to catch me when I'm at home, I'll be happy to show you my archives.

The Sand Seer

In the Elven City of Jamurra is a school for the children of the country's most powerful wizards. It's full of spoiled brats with access to absurd levels of power. I grew up on a ranch near the school. One brat dared another to use the forbidden rituals of Awakening, and... well, let's just say a wizard did it, and move on, shall we?


The Bard College of Jamurra is one of the top three bardic schools on the continent of Alharth.