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User Interface

346 bytes added, 07:34, 22 September 2014
General Gameplay Tips
====Looting Corpses====
Various looting options become available once you have the required tool in your inventory. Burying a corpse (to reduce the respawn time of the creature), skinning, butchering, and so on. See [[Items#Harvesting_Items|harvesting items]]. You will discover these as you explore and meet NPCs in Serbule, just keep an eye for those!
====Seek Objective====
Make sure to pick up all harvestables like mushrooms even if they don't seem useful yet. Leveling [[Foraging]] will unlock '''Seek Objective''' at level 5 which is an ability that will orient your character to face in the direction where your currently active quest objective is! (think "tracking" in good ol' EverQuest).
== The Chat Window ==